Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

The only Luke Skywalker I legit loved was the angst Skywalker in The Last Jedi. Which ironically most fans dislike.

Just like you said, in TLJ he fails, he learns, he grows.

I’m sorry I’m not a die hard fan and I’m not interested in watching a video trying to grasp straws in some fans theory.

I feel like we mostly agree in most cases here. I’m just not up in arms over Rey, she’s a Mary Sue but… Oh well?

I could get on board with a grumpy Luke, but the reasoning was rather poopy.

You mean to tell me a guy that trained to become a master after there was nobody left that persevered through the temptations of the dark side just got fed up and tried to murder a child that had immense power in the force?

come on…

Grumpy Luke would have and could have been written better if they had a better plan when writing these movies. I waited over 30 years to see Luke again and not once did I get anything close to a descent arc for him. Leia should have died in The Last Jedi at the point that other Tie Fighter blasted the deck out when Kylo Ren hesitated because he sensed her…instead we got lame Leia force powers space survival. That would have given Kylo Ren a nice dark arc that he would have to climb out of or become consumed by the dark side now that both his parents were dead.

Luke’s arc should have stretched through all 3 movies. It should have been the B plot to the A plot and then Rey might have actually had some good struggles when she gets to the third movie and lets say Luke is killed by something that Rey was in control of, but to save him she would have had to turn to the dark side, but she refused and he dies for it, but he understands this is the Jedi way and in the end helps her remain vigilant even through the temptation of the dark side.

Instead we got a mess of 3 movies that gave no cares. Rey should have saved Kylo from the dark side by sacrificing herself and DYING. not this weird stockholm syndrome love story we got.

in the end Kylo should have become Ben again and carried on the skywalker name.

But we got Disney princess 3.0.

Much like Thrawn and Revan, he can be picked up and given a new story that falls in line with the Unified Canon.

If his given a new story then thats a different version of the character and his story on Force Unleashed wouldn’t matter, including:

Yeah but you know Disney will include that scene. It’s the one most tied to the character and would sell a lot more copies of whatever media they put him on just to get a nostalgia bone from the old fans.

Look, the Prequel Trilogy and Lucasfilm as a whole should be sending the crew who worked on The Clone Wars obscenely decadent gifts every Christmas. Because without their combined skills, the prequel trilogy torpedoed the story and reputation of Anakin Skywalker all on its own. David Filoni, Matt Lanter and Ashley Eckstien are responsible for giving Anakin’s fall the dignity and tragedy it required. Otherwise, Darth Vader was a whinging prat who killed a bunch of kids for being told he couldn’t sit at the grown up table.

That wasnt the case at all?

He killed them because Sidious told him to do it so he could embrace the Dark Side, he couldnt show mercy or have someone else do it, he had to do it himself again showing how desperate he was to save Padme at any cost and by any means


It was though.

The single worst part of Revenge of the Sith was how unbelievably awful the character development was in regards to Anakin changing.

It needed several more movies honestly.

It really didnt actually.

In the second movie he has vision of his mother dying, which ends up happening, at this point he firmly believes that his visions are 100% accurate to happen unless he does something, plus this was caused by the Jedi training which didnt allowed him to act sooner, which affected his trust on them.

Then in the third movie, the same happens with Padme dying on child birth, he knows it will happen unless he does something, he is desperate, and the Jedi doesnt offer him any way to solve it plus doesnt treat him with the respect he deserves, his trust on them is further damaged, and then Palpatine offers him what he wants, a way to save Padme, trough the power of Dark Side, he originally hesitates and even attempted to arrest Palpatine since he was a Sith, when he tells Windu about it, he doesnt allow him to go, further damaging his trust on them, then when he goes there, he sees Windu about to kill Palpatine and event tries to convince him of arresting him rather than killing him which fails, he had 2 options there, save your only possibility you know to save your wife, or the guy who has pretty much hated you all the time, obviously he chooses his wife, he has gone to far, theres no turning back.

And after doing all the stuff he did to embrace the Dark Side (including killing children) he clearly shows regret when he starts crying for all he had done, it wasnt until he believe Padme had betrayed him that he fully went evil and tried to kill her, the person he was so desperate to save and then tries to kill Obi-Wan who was his master and pretty much considered him a brother.

His fall to the Dark Side is clearly foreshadowed multiple times, and is giving a reason to do so.


Just because it’s “forshadow’d” doesn’t mean the execution for his change is good.

It’s pretty bad In all honesty and comes off as being rushed in how it feels.

It was good, it wasnt really rushed or came out of nowhere

If you want an example of rushed character change, look at Game Of Thrones with Daenarys (i probably butchered her name but whatever)

Oh boy. She was handled WAAAAAAAY better than Anakin despite its flaws.

Because she was always crazy. I’m still trying to figure out how anyone was surprised by that.

Are you serious?

Daenarys had her entire character killed, she betrayed every single character development she had in the 7 seasons (of 8), she just suddenly goes crazy for reasons

Anakin was developed for 3 movies, the 2nd and 3rd one in particular, and its clearly show how much he changes and becomes more and more unstable which fits perfectly with him going to the Dark Side.

He wasnt pretty much a saint for all the movies and then did a 180 turn and killed everyone, there was building up to it.

I’m going to have to play the game again because I played it so long ago, or heck, read the books, but someone already mentioned that the Star Destroyer was already falling from the sky, which would indicate he was slowing its progress from crushing him. There’s a huge difference between that and literally dragging a ship down with the Force.

I’m dead serious. She had 8 seasons of going crazy. Did we watch the same show?

And she was always a tyrant.

Her situation was much more believable than Anakin.

Ok explain it then, why she turned evil, why she kills innocents.

I already explained why Anakin turning makes sense and her doesnt.

She legit said she would torch an entire city to the ground in Season 2 simply for denying her access.

Again, are we watching the same show?

She was never good.

All the people she has killed was either evil or an enemy, but she never had killed an innocent (at least not directly or on purpose or without reason)

In season 8 she starts doing stuff completely out of character for no reason which ended in her complete character assassination

Apparently we are still watching a different show. Also “Everyone she kills is evil” is exactly how a tyrant thinks.

The show even made a point in this. Remember when she crucified every slave driver? Remember when it was further revealed not every Slave driver was evil and some were trying to make things better?

She constantly killed innocents.

Just because she wasn’t aware isn’t enough, the blood is on her head.

Ok first Foreshadowing DOES NOT count to justify it.

I needs to be character development, which Anakin did had, he is show of what he is capable off when pushed to far which we saw in Attack of the Clones when he murdered everyone he believed was responsible for her mother’s death, and he is giving a reason and cause to turn evil

Dae does not, she just turns evil out of nowhere and betrays all her ideals for no reason