Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

The final scene, hell yeah! Well cause it’s Vader so duh, but otherwise meh.
Overall though I agree with you, but knowing Disney they’re lying and will do something crazy in the future. I sort of laughed when I saw in the trailer, THE SAGA ENDS. My first thought was, “yeah right”.

They will murder Revan and the Old Republic if they have those involved with the sequels handle them. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say they hate KOTOR. I personally love it. I can’t see Disney giving it the respect it deserves.

I heard someone say they won’t do any more trilogies though.

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Disney needs to stay far away from KOTOR unless they get those same writers from the games to come back.

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Exactly. And to further strengthen this point the Mandalorian was something which obviously at the start Disney was not as invested in and thus the creators were allowed more freedom and the show benefitted immensely from that. It’s a nice original story, even if the show isn’t perfect it’s the best Star Wars media content in awhile, better for sure than any of the three new movies.

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Those were some great games as well

I like mandalorian better then the new stuff tbh

Puff as if companies would even pay attention to the loud community of their own product. Literally Captain Marvel was heavily criticized for being too much feminist and Transformers of M.B made a lot of money despite everyone and their mothers were screaming to the skies those movies were bad as milk with pork



I honestly want to hear your point of view: please attempt to articulate what was so interesting for me? I might honestly go see the move if you can succeed.

There’s no way that’s what they were planning around the time Force Awakens had already released

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The reason is because simple is sometimes better. It lets your imagination fill in the gaps. That is the appeal of the original SW trilogy.

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I wonder if that’s why everyone hated the prequels is because it didn’t line up with their idea of what everything was like before the empire etc

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Wellllll… lets face it. WoW’s cartoonish style isn’t amazing. Just cartoonish. Totally fits its style but otherwise …

Yes it was too much information when the prequels should have used the principles of show it on screen and leave the rest for the viewer.

For example was the midi-chlorian explanation really necessary? The force was more than enough as an explanation for the SW universe.

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I disagree. I think it’s indisputable they have some of the most amazing cinematics in the business. The environments and details are incredible as well when you consider how long the game has been out. Imo all the BFA zones look amazing even if the stories involved in them are at times goofy.

Except both of the creators of these movies frequently say the positive feedback vastly outweighs the negative.

People who hate movies always think they’re in the majority, even though everything points to the opposite

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Of course the creators are going to say that… They don’t want to look bad. That’s why we have data. Review data shows Captain Marvel is one of the worst received of all Marvel films

TRUE. I missed this. But this is so true. They are clown fests for children now. The Mandalorian and the new triology is funny because the TV show is so clearly better than the movies it’s a joke Disney is a joke with what they did to star wars on the big screen

BTW you guys aware that Rotten Tomatoes is clearly faking the rating of the movie?

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See I would’ve said their shared problem is stupidly retarded fans that hold to high of a standard about what the franchise should be or do with its story.

Just remember it’s their story - no yours.

Keep your expectations low.

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