Well I’ve said it in this thread before and I’ll say it again. I do believe and agree that the political messages in the narratives are a detrimental thing, but it isn’t the lion’s share of the problem. If the political messages were removed the stories of both would improve but they would not be ‘good’.
Nathanos for example isn’t a political message of any sort he’s literally just a writer self-inserting himself into the story. It’s just bad writing.
(Edit: Fun fact on what I wrote above, the guy who writes Nathanos has a legitmate crush on Sylvanas despite her being not real and that is a huge motivation for his writing of Nathanos romance with her. He is living vicariously through the Nathanos character who had barely any part in the story before this guy got horny for a fictional dead elf. ( Weird af imo)
The political stuff you’re mentioning is more like when they kick you when you’re already down.
Imo the political stuff actually plays a big role. If it weren’t for the political stuff I don’t think Blizzard or Lucasfilm would be shoving Sylvanas and Rey down our throats respectively.
Imagine trying to prove something on the forums. I’m not 15 anymore mate, it’s a waste of time. If it makes you feel better you are entitled to your opinions.
They had the same thing happen when they did the writing for StarCraft 2. There focus of the entire plot was on some of the larger scope events. The politics, self interest and other factors played a secondary role in the writing. By fixating on the ‘Darkness’ and other plot elements, they disconnected the gritty sci-fi aspects that made people interested.
For example, the Zerg ended up being manipulated. Why? Why are they not allowed the agency to make their own decisions. Why can they not just want to evolve, consume and grow? What is with this obsession of taking away accountability from characters / groups of people and blaming it on blanket corruption.
I’d love a or some Rogue Squadron movies. Those were some of my favorite books. Just normal people fighting the good fight with the main characters in the background.
It ruined it because it was the starting point, like everything it touches. KK didn’t start with let’s make a great movie. She starts with let’s make a feminist movie and if we have time we’ll try to make it good.
I just don’t think that’s the case. I think they wanted to definitely add those things into the movie and they hurt the movie but I don’t think it was their starting point. There was nothing wrong with, for example, the female lead and multiple ethnic cast.
The way they wrote them is atrocious. Finn was a janitor when he should have been a battle hardened shock trooper who decided enough was enough after too many horrible missions. Rey is the same as Sylvanas noone can really explain why she is so powerful and even when they manage to force some sort of explanation it is just terrible.
Warcraft has an amazing story with a ton of potential, but I 100% agree. When it comes down to details and as of BFA speciifcally, it completely goes to crap.
So what I’ve heard is they are going to explore Revan, a popular character in the Old Republic Lore who was in Knights of the Old Republic (Kotor) and had his own expansion. A great character, but I do fear they will screw him over. Already people were not happy how Revan was treated in SWTOR as some madman, but at least there is a good reason behind that. I don’t see why they would do any of that though, because Revan’s story has already been told. They’d be better off exploring someone like Kreia or some of the other cast’s backstories from Kotor.
There is plenty to do, but I don’t have high expectations. I’d rather they didn’t touch any of the SW Legends Lore they cast aside previously.
The sequels should have followed the books they threw out. But after the mess of the sequels trilogy, I’d rather they’d just be done with making SW movies because I don’t trust them to respect the SW universe. (Except Rogue One, which I thought was amazing.)