Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

Well I watched it and now I’m not sure if you’re trying to call me stupid but the video definitely made me laugh lol

Huge problem with BFA is that this should have been the war to end all wars, everyone gets a chance to act on their grudges, every former pacified warzone reignites into bloody battles, we meet and help those who were effected by the other faction’s past and present actions, some die, some continue on to become beloved characters.

Instead, we screw around on two ultimately inconsequential islands, fight a giant worm fetus, have a battle for a city that isn’t technically aligned with the Horde yet (Which causes them to join the Horde, good job, Anduin.), fight a few giant cultists, kill Azshara out of nowhere, and shoo away Mary Suevanas after she kills one of the game’s better characters, before undoing one of the more notable old gods in a single patch, and apparently it’s true death?

What is this story? Who greenlighted this?

I’m sorry, where’s the faction war?


This was the same issue with Mist of Pandaria (which strangely by the end I loved from a gameplay standpoint). But story wise it was sold as a faction conflict, but whenever blizz says ‘faction war’ it is an after thought.

The best thing from a narrative and immersion stand point was the implementation of warmode quite frankly.

Wow this comment could be it’s own thread. Spot on.

I think I screamed about it for like a week after the duel with Saurfang, I was furious.

I think that the main problem is that WoW isn’t necessarily centered around the story as much as some other games. The story is there and is a part of leveling and the end game, but it is more of a thing to keep you entertained. For a lot of us the story is just background noise while we work on grinding out BiS gear and items to increase our capabilities.

The story is such a small part of the game that we experience when you compare it to the amount of time we spend gearing up and doing chores. I feel like even if they wrote something even comparable to the best writers of our modern age it would be wasted and never given the respect it was due. We’d merely rush through it on our way to compete against other random internet strangers for our loot.

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MoP is pretty widely appreciated now, Suramar was pretty appreciated, some aspects of Legion were good, but not much of it.

MoP probably had the strongest writing, some quests before it were good, but pretty much everything before (and after, apparently) was weak.

Good writing gets appreciation, garbage gets mocked, boring gets ignored.

I’m definitely not against it, and would love to see some truly amazing writing and tech that pulled it all off in a modern MMO. However, I’m not sure Blizzard wants to pull off mind-blowing story telling, or they aren’t sure how to do it.

Perhaps they can push their capabilities in Shadowlands and impress us!

Also, I loved Lorewalker Cho so much :slight_smile:

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I agree only partially. Before MoP, back in wotlk, half the people bought that expansion because of the story only. They just wanted to continue the Arthas and scourge story from WC3. They didn’t care about the game at all lol. Now it is the opposite, noone cares at all about the story.

MoP was a joke in comparison at first and it was only appreciated properly after it was over, it’s story didn’t bring anybody in.

I’m more pessimistic, I think they think this is gold, a masterpiece in the making. I think they are actually deluded enough to think this is a good idea, like the many gameplay changes that hurt the game, that they were deluded enough to think were good ideas.

I could buy Jaina beating Bolvar based on how stupidly powerful they’ve made her, you could atleast challenge the mary sue claim with her, Sylvanas beating Saurfang IN MELEE was already a stretch, freaking BOLVAR AND HIS GUARDS? Absolutely absurd.

Well yeah, of course - but they basically turned Arthas into Doctor Claw.


One of the biggest issues with WoW’s writing is it focuses primarily on cosmic events, large scale disasters and the major players. It ignores the components that make up the world.

For example, we barely hear of the people who suffer from the conflict. We don’t see the raising of taxes in stormwind to fund the war. The loss in manpower in manufacturing, etc.

I enjoy the Defias story because the root of the story is that the king of Stormwind shortchanging a bunch of masons out of their hardwork. (Ignore the onyxia influence for a better story).

I feel that the Scarlets have always had their story butchered and separated from its human elements. They are the survivors of Lordaeron, holding on for years in zones controlled by the Lich king. Yet we treat them as psychopaths and use the good ol ‘corruption’ motif. Realistically, we should empathize with them as survivors and people struggling from constant deception, constant conflict. Instead? We kill them and spit on their bodies.


I think the thing that makes it feel cheap when Sylvanas beats Bolvar was that she just suddenly has this amazing magical power. Just poof it’s there, and yeah it was hinted at, but perhaps it was so poorly explained or set up from a story telling perspective that it makes so many cringe while watching it.

See, I could have bought Sylvanas outrunning Saurfang and just plugging him with shots until he went down, but she should have been absolutely smashed in a melee with him. Certainly not getting out of it with just an eye scratch.

Bolvar was just ridiculous. A whole battalion of Scourge AND Bolvar? Why are shadow chains even able to hold someone powered by the Helm of Domination? How did she take a hit from a mountain and not have a single injury? Stupid, so stupid.

She’s undead, have her lose a limb, she can reattach it anyway.

I love Dragonball Z, but if you’re taking writing inspiration from it, you’re failing in a spectacular way.


Well we find out in Shadowlands just what this power is that she has that apparently will explain this all. Yet, we have to wait at least 6-8 months or so to learn about it. I was a bit surprised Bolvar didn’t have more tricks up his sleeve and the fight wasn’t as much of a struggle as it maybe could have been.

Oh, it doesn’t matter. They’ve already said that Giant Robot Arthas “The Jailer” is empowering her with plot powers, which totally isn’t a lazy hand-wave for her ridiculous mary sue feats.


You know what is even more lazy hand-wave? They just made the Jailer a reskinned Titan basically.

Accurate. The prequels weren’t ‘bad’ in my opinion, they just were different, and had more mistakes and boring moments. Worse, yes, but not bad.

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I’m not trolling. And it was and is bad lore. And yes, tons of people complained about it.

I just happen to remember how hated Wrath was during it’s time (atleast on these boards). Some people are purely ignorant of that fact.

Wow’s Lore as always been “questionable”. Yes, I do remember how everyone included myself hated things like reducing Anub’arak to a crappy 5 man rando boss, but gameplay wise Wrath was just so good it almost felt like paradise, with a few exceptions.

Regarding Rise of the Lolwalker, I will not support anything that is related to Kathleen Kennedy, you can find an online upload of it if you look well enough lol (and if you don’t mind 2 adds interrupting it).

I was going to say “a clear bias in both narrative strength and production value ushered in by self-hating white liberals from the Bay area,” but that’s fair too I suppose.

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