Star Wars and WoW have the same problem

Looks like the guy from the crying star wars video plays a level 120 Blood Elf rogue, who would’ve thought?

Episode 2 did. After all, Jar Jar was the one who convinced the senate to give Palps emergency powers.

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It’s crazy because that scene with Jar Jar is a pivotal moment in the prequels and most people don’t even know it happened because they had fallen asleep by that point in the movie.

Funny since the plot/storyline that people seem to care the most about in WoW was ripped directly from Star Wars.

No doubt about it!

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The first one, albeit it still a bad story, wasn’t a horrible transition to get the “new generation” in. But sad part is, I still feel the character development was horrible. I could have cared less if Rey, Finn or Poe died. Didn’t care Ren died. I had the feels when Han died or thought Chewy got blown up or 3P0’s “Looking at my friends one last time”.

You have some person who knows nothing about the force let alone it exists, yet she can all of a sudden use powers that takes jedi a long time to learn and she bested a Sith Lord. At least Luke in ESB, even with a lot more training than Rey, still got owned to Vader as he wasn’t ready yet.

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i actually LIKED the prequals. sure, some chars were annoying, and some things were sketchy, but the combat and overall story was a nice leadup to explain just how and why things were as they were in ANH - EsB - RotJ

i felt Force Awakens was ‘meh’, but good for building. i think it was Rian Johnson that more or less screwed the thing up. too much divergence from the basic heroes journey structure for little to no reason… also dislike how Rey does little work for so much power. makes her uninteresting (which seems a common view).

as for WoW, at this point i only sub for a month here or there to do catchup, and otherwise skip big sections of expas due to all the gating. mostly stick to mog hunting nowadays. the writing is meh at best, terrible at worst.


From an episode of Sledge Hammer…

Doreau: “They demanded a million dollars, a private plane, and an end to the Star Wars program.”

Sledge: “Well, three movies were enough.”

I, frankly, couldn’t agree more.

It should also be noted.

The original SW movies weren’t some peak cinematic story telling. I mean. Sheesh. They went back and blew up a second death star. It had plot holes. It was campy. It was silly. It was based on a Mary Sue. And that was ok.

Fast forward, and suddenly plot holes, campy, silly story telling is suddenly beneath Star Wars.


It’s the internet’s fault, mostly. We can nowadays instantly react and shove our reactions out into the wider world without any real effort. For some things this is good, but it pushes trivialities like “was a movie good” to the fore in a world that has dozens and dozens of bigger issues.

I’m pretty sure Disney discovered the power behind Star Wars. If the same thing powers WoW… Well, it makes a whole lot of sense.

It’s on Youtube, but I kind of don’t want to post something that would be rated Mature and get the kiddos upset.

Onpopular Opinion: The only good Star Wars film in the sequels is The Last Jedi (flaws and all).

Good day.

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Yeah, and these forums were constantly crying about how crappy the lore was too for two years.

“There was always be a Lich King.” Really? REALLY?

I have a feeling you’re referring to political messages being inserted into the story.

While I agree with you that is part of the problem I think the lion’s share can be boiled down to just straight up bad writing.

No, literally a video about Disney finding out the secret of Star Wars’ popularity. Check Flashgitz. I’m not sorry.

Is it the one posted 4 days ago?

Are you trolling? That isn’t bad lore at all and hardly anyone complained about that.

The reason anyone complained is because they said why would they say there must always be a Lich King if there wasn’t one before.

Well the thing is there also wasn’t millions of undead roaming the planet before either.

It’s like chernobyl, that area didn’t used to be contaminated, but now it is and it requires very excessive containment now and for the next several thousand years.

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Yup. Four days.

Pretty spot on, especially from a writing standpoint.

Hell, Sylvanas is basically Rey, at this point.

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I have yet to be given a proper opportunity to enact evil deeds on the horde. All I want is for a small sect of scarlet refugees to radicalize a large portion of the Alliance. Push for an all out crusade on the Horde. All while the boy king continues to sue for peace and is thrust from his position.

At this point in time all humans should feel for the horde is outright contempt and hatred. Sure, individual characters may reconcile. But your dirt farmer who has lost all his sons to war and seen his wife killed in raids. He does not care for reconciliation.