Standard raid UI

This problem still exists.

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This problem still exists

+1 still an issue

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Yep, can confirm it’s still an issue. Was a pain in my raid last night

Still an issue

Still an issue

This is still an issue

Pretty sure I’ve figured it out:

Something has happened to the tolerance between how tight the key push and the target switch are allowed to be together. It’s WAY tighter now than it used to be. And, it’s actually not even limited to the raid frames! I can replicate the same issue just by rapidly switching off an ally and onto myself via my character portrait.

The cause of this in the code is the following lines introduced in 9.2:

CompactUnitFrame.lua line 270 switched from:

frame:RegisterForClicks(“LeftButtonDown”, “RightButtonUp”);



The implication of this is that you used to be able to select your new target on a left mouse button downclick, but this new system only registers the switch on the upclick. This adds a split second of new latency to the timing of the switch, totally breaking muscle memory.
And that’s also why other addons like Grid and Vuhdo aren’t broken, because they bypass that code are are still coded to switch targets on the downclick, not the upclick.


Confirmed, overwriting line 270 with this line totally fixes this issue:

frame:RegisterForClicks(“LeftButtonDown”, “AnyUp”);


This is still an issue

I added a fix for this bug into version 3.4.5 of my addon Enhanced Raid Frames. Enabling my addon should fix this issue (it’s also just a really cool addon, imo). You can get it on CurseForge.


I’ll try it out right now!

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Nice hat dweeb

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Lemme know how this works out for you, witcho fine self

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If you wanna add me lmk. It would actually be super easy for me to help give you feedback on this lol

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you’re a true hero

Actually works perfectly in the 2 bgs I’ve done. You own!

Glad it’s working so far :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have been using your addon for a long time to better track atonement in RBGs. Will try out today.

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It is working. Well done man thank you. Super happy to have it behaving correctly and I thank you for creating the work around. So sad that this has had over a month of exposure with no native fix developed by Blizzard… for their own UI no less.


I have a friend at Blizzard, and he’s going to present these findings and the evidence I collected in uncovering this bug to the dev team next week. I hope we can get some sort of official fix from them shortly!

The cause of this bug was super nuanced and it could have easily been overlooked in testing. It took me weeks of trial and error before I could finally narrow it down, or even understand what was happening. I don’t blame them, truthfully.