Stalagmites above?!

In the real world? Yeah. There’d be nothing left. lol

Literally nothing but deep sea life. That sword would’ve wiped us off Azeroth.


Azerothian physics don’t seem to be a thing. :rofl:

You can’t expect Blizzard devs to know basic Geology or any basic science for that matter.
They don’t even know computer science well.

At least the Naga were okay? O.o


LOL!!! I hadn’t thought of that. :rofl:

MF’s would’ve gotten their wish, the world is yours. Enjoy the ashes!


If the sword really were large enough to penetrate thousands of miles to the core, it is so large that the planet’s spin would wobble severely…and really, should have flown apart to pieces within minutes of the initial stabbing. As it is, Silithus was scoured nearly clean by the impact. A three-thousand mile long sword hitting the planet at the relativistic speed the cinematic depicted would have blasted half the planet’s surface away. The insane earthquakes it would have generated would have laid waste to the rest.

Yes, I know…magic explains everything. “A wizard did it.” That figures.

Yeah, I noticed that the first time my miner found a Thorium node. When I looked up what it’s used for in game, I had to laugh at the idea that a highly radioactive metal could be suitable for making armor.

Eh. It’s fantasy at its silliest. I just take the insanity with a grain of salt now. And Antherian’s comments were awesome. Made me laugh at how crazy it all is. I love it. :grin:

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It is implied in the quest chains that the first time Beledar went into Shadow was around the same time the sword punctured the surface.

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Yep! I think that’s what corrupted our resident Naaru type thing. That corruption from the sword seeped into a lot of places until our artifacts cleansed it.

I agree here, but consider this … would something perched on top of a cone-shaped mineral formation cause debris to “rain down”? i think said debris would mostly likely roll down the sides.

i’ve spent too much time in this one rabbit hole, lol

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It’s a Naaru

G ground, c ceiling. StalaGmites. StalaCtites.

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I’m sorry, devs, but you unfortunately failed geology. You’ll have to repeat the fifth grade.

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So what you’re saying is the Coreway

:izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab:

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They will probably just update the text silently and then tell us all it was always correct.

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Pretty good with detail? Half the quests to get honey in this game are from wasps… which are predatory and don’t make honey. At least one of the quests kinda “jokes” about it not being honey, but what about the other two?

Not to mention the fact that Lili Stormstout has been a child for several expansions, and Dagran a baby up until the recent expansion even though we’ve seen both on and off often enough for them to have hit growth markers like Lili being an adult or as you can see from Dagran, the man being a nerdy teenager.

Fun fact, Austin from Game Theory has a video on this and ironically the in-game volumetric measurements of the sword along with Azeroth’s known size actually puts it as barely a splinter in the planet XD.

And the funny thing is as the video points out Azeroth itself is already puny… so this sword is even more ridiculously smaller (comparatively).

WoW is the DC of written plots, basically half the time they forgot who did what or when, which makes sense since since WoD we’ve basically been dealing with time travel and untold numbers of alternate timeline realities.


Either the writers meant what they wrote or they meant something completely different from what they wrote.

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Kinda just figured the roof of the ringing deeps has stalagmites because its the ground for topside.