Stalagg or Herod?

Im also on the fence! But to be honest I’m waiting on faction population results to come out before deciding… rolling on a horde or alliance dominated server could potentially break guilds… if your guild has a 3 hour raid window and the opposite faction is camping the entrance / zone it’s going to be demoralizing… could be wasting 1-2 hours trying to fight your way inside; Especially with all WQ camping in retail right now… I can’t even begin to imagine Raid entrance camping. (WITH NO FLYING)…

Do you want to spend half your gametime in queue? Select Herod.

If not, select Stalagg.

Stalggag if you don’t want a ten hour queques

Check out the Herod discord, look at the activity see the guilds recruiting. We are flourishing.

Hummm salami

If your not already locked in to Herod GO STALAGG! This is a no brainer.

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I got into the servers first out of all my friends and decided to go Herod. Then all this stuff started popping up saying Herod is too full and we all switched to Stalagg because all our names were still available. Looking to do molten core first month. Add Rambow if ur looking for a warrior tank or big dick dps

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Going to Grobb to avoid everyone “avoiding” everyone.

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Stalagg is looking 70% alliance vs 30% horde
Horde is looking 60% horde vs 30% alliance but with about 3 times the playerbase

This is all pre-launch and I disbelieve your first number, though the imbalance may indeed lean that direction. Generally speaking most “Balanced” servers will be 55% horde: 45% alliance. These numbers are pretty hard pressed into the PvP mainstream over the years, due to Horde racials.

There will be a few heavily unbalanced servers, but it won’t be the majority.

Blizzard will strong-arm people to move from Herod to Stalagg.

Back when WoW launched, Archimonde was the server that was chosen to represent the PvP community so the competition there would be the best, also because it was the first PvP server alphabetically, so we all rolled there. It was one of several servers that was forcefully taken offline for the entirety of opening weekend so Blizzard could “upgrade” the server to handle the load of players trying to login. This forced the PvP community to spread out to other servers and ended up crippling the original idea of a PvP server chosen as the competitive PvP server to represent the PvP community. Blizzard will 100% do this again. I say ride it out and don’t allow Blizzard to once again dictate which server will house the most competitive players.

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Herod is the only viable server.

Where do you even pull those figures? Stalagg has 2 discords right now they report the following: 648 alliance and 587 horde.

The other: 629 Alliance and 671 Horde.

Heres a strawpoll as well: h ttps:// 51% Alliance 49% Horde, 1,015 votes.

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I gotta go Stalagg baby!


If you dont have characters already reserved on herod go stalagg


Stalagg ftw.


My guildmates and I are also going Horde on Stalagg. Was getting a bit worried it would become too Alliance heavy.


If it means avoiding morons like you I’m all for Stalagg. Go circle jerk with your fake high lvl PvP friends and all the hundreds of guilds you claim to run on your real account.


Awesome! From the very limited sources we have (discord servers and reddit surveys) its starting to look like its 50/50 or a bit more towards Horde now.

That same discord I posted stats of is now at 691 Alliance and 737 Horde.

So far Stalagg is looking like it will have excellent faction balance and its pop is ever increasing. I am becoming more convinced that it is the best choice for EST PvP folks.


If you are that concerned about it, roll pve.