I went 3-3 in placements on a character I didn’t play last season and it dropped me 300 mmr.
Interesting. We don’t usually get to see the absolute absurdity of the current MMR system on such flagrant display. This is pretty awful.
I feel like placement games are screwing people progressively harder as the season goes longer.
nah these were not placement games
Most of the frustration comes from being matched against opponents way below your mmr, such that you can go 4/5 wins and lose mmr for no cr gain. MMR itself is working as its supposed to, but the game isn’t matching properly based off the matchmaking rating, and its not a placement game issue either because it arbitrarily happens all the time
Are you sure, checkpvp isn’t even showing you as having games done as surv. Unless it was on another hunter.
Those players are on EU, so its this hunter
This kind of stuff was happening last season too but the peanut gallery denounced it. Thank you for showing proof that the system is broken
As Battlecruisr mentioned it was indeed on my EU character, my bad I should have specified that when posting on the NA forum to avoid confusion.
Oh gotcha, ya thats very weird.
MMR isn’t the only criteria for lobby generation. The game tries to prevent more than one of each spec in each lobby. Queue wait time is also involved.
There aren’t enough players online at the same time around the same rating for queues to be fast. And most players are playing meta specs. The longer you’re in queue, the further from your MMR the game will look for opponents.
I’ve seen people 6-0 and they lose mmr. The game shouldn’t even be putting anyone into a lobby where something like that is possible. It’s a giant waste of time. Shuffle seems like such a mess this season, whatever they did, they should just undo.
The Iron Triangle strikes again.
Check my alt 81% win rate showing 1750mmr queing into 1680 still.
bro this is garbage… i WISH it would drop my MMR… my very first game it started me at 1950 mmr and i lost all 6 rounds cuz i was uberoutgeared and uber outplayed… it only drop my mmy by 60 LMFAO
hmmm. this is not good…
Dh gets nothing. Well deserved