Squishing levels solves nothing

Hard reset is needed of some kind imo or WoW 2 which it could be sort of if done right. Game is just so big now for new players.

Like people want leveling to matter again i personally dont give to hoots about it myself while the game is in its current state i’ve done it so many times etc etc

It’s easier to hit cap now than it was in BC and Vanilla. How is it too big now as opposed to then?


Do you know any people who have tried wow lately? My two nephews are mad rpg players (like bloodbourne and dark souls) they tried wow started looked at 110 levels and went nah pass

Bloodborne and Dark souls are much faster paced than most other RPGs, so.

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I’m just saying 15 year old game 7 expansions is off putting for new players especially young people.

WoW’s days of growth is done if they keep the same model they have kept.

Exactly +1. Level squish , they will adjust xp to where it takes just as long to level regardless if it’s 120, or 60 levels, etc. Squishing back to whatever is only playing mind games with the players. 60 levels only makes it seem less intimidating. Have a feeling the ones wanting a level squish back to 60 are just the nilla fonbois wanting the squish for the feels. They can get those nostalgia feels when classic releases. There’s the squish to 60.


From what I recall, they either fixed or removed part of the code that Eyes of the Beast relied upon, so they’d have to rebuild the ability from scratch to put it back in.

Yeah, that dev-time is better spent removing more features from the game.

Because they have stated that they are happy with the leveling speed but are open to making adjustments due to player reaction/participation. Meaning if no one is leveling, they’ll make it faster to become more appealing.

Leveling speed isn’t what a squish is about.

It’s about making a mob scaling game with only a handful of total player abilities feel better via being able to consolidate that limited number of spells and abilities into a much more rewarding allocation. We have specializations that are crap to play while leveling due to a) when important spells are granted and b) reliance on max level interactions and stats. A level squish could help this immensely.

Have to add that they took away end of dungeon exp and the 200% potions too. Which in my personal opinion was annoying. I farmed and used them all the time.

As for the topic at hand, yeah I can see where you’re coming from. I’m not really strongly for one way or another. I used to be highly against a squish. I think it could work if they make it work but er, they could also break the game pretty badly too.

I didn’t even know that.

Just re-adding all this crap they removed would solve a lot of problems. For leveling, abilities for classes, and reforging. >_>

im 100% for a level squish i will not be leveling classes to 130,140,150.
if i was a new player i wouldnt touch this game if i saw 150lvls.

let the pruning and level squish begin.

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You realize it would take the same amount of time, right?

A squish isn’t an XP buff.


perception for new players seeing 150 lvls to get.

Flying through the first ten levels like nothing would leave a better impression than barely scratching by two levels with 60 level cap.

Vanilla WoW will prove this in the upcoming summer. Leveling speed is more important in this instance than a 'big ol scary three digit number".


Yeah, and even for if you’re not actually going through with a higher level, too. Like, I went to help someone on my tank in Temple, he’s 114. And basically, we completed the dungeon, but I got no end of dungeon exp at all because it wasn’t a random que.

So you can’t choose the dungeons you want to do and expect to get experience.

a good game is more important then leveling speed.fyi it took me 4 days 17hrs before the exp nerf to level this mag’har for for its heritage armor and to get to 120.

people are lazy and dont want to level for 150 lvls period.

Let me tell you this again, but in more detail.

Squishing the levels will not make leveling faster.

Squishing the levels only alters the level scaling of NPCs and the player.

XP values are independent of that. XP values, if not buffed alongside the squish, will be the same.

The only difference in leveling speed would come from the alteration of the XP values, not from the squish. All a squish would do is make you glow less often.

What you want is an XP buff. A squish isn’t an XP buff.


Make new skills. It’s not rocket science. Or better yet, revert to the classic skill set and make this more like the RPG in MMORPG. We can easily have new skills and talents per level.


Remember when you used to have most of your class spells by leveling and learning them at a trainer, or through a class-specific quest?

Talents augmented certain abilities to make them better than the rest, but you could still use those other abilities in niche situations.

Example: Frost mage casting arcane explosion on mobs that are almost dead, and close to the mage, or fire mage using AE to get a rogue out of stealth.

It’s not optimal for pure DPS, but it was totally great for a few niche situations.