Squishing levels solves nothing

Yeah that 90% dungeon xp nerf was a little to extreme on their part. it probably did need some sort of nerf, but again 90% was way overboard. I know they want to encourage grouping up to do stuff, but part of the fun in this game for years was grouping up with lower level guildies, and friends, and run them through dungeons, and quests to help them out. Not only for xp, but to help them get a upgrade item that they might be wanting. The 300% xp raf nerf was also way to extreme imo.


Blizzard would sooner break the game than revert a totally overkill change.

Look at the last four years of class design, leveling, professions…

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This accomplishes nothing.


Exactly! While Blizzard does need to address leveling, why take the lazy way out and remove one of the VERY FEW things that remain in context of permanent character progression? Surveys have gone out at this point, mostly to accounts that aren’t active or have deactivated regularly in the past. Blizzard doesn’t want feedback from their regular subscriber base about the squish?? (If our loyalty to the game doesn’t warrant caring about our feedback, don’t we at least bring in more money than the people who aren’t playing?)
And what does a level squish actually solve long-term? We were told originally that an item level squish was a one-time thing. Clearly, it wasn’t. So how often can we expect these level squishes, now?
Starting to feel like the only permanent thing about my character are the CLASS I selected and the COMPANION PETS I’ve collected…
If I wanted to play a game without permanent progression, I’d be playing League of Legends, not an MMO.


I was hoping someone would revive this, considering recent news.

My position remains unchanged. I find it to be lazy design.

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You do know you can pick up 5 levels in an hour just running quest chains.
I got borde and started a void elf. It really does go pretty quick.
Well, in full heirlooms anyway…
I also cant see them changing the time required to get to max level, be it 60 or 120, it would go against the “Time Played” metric, if that is the measure used.

call me crazy. Isn’t that why they have level boosts?

How about having the WHOLE expac without ANY new skill ?

Oh wait, we have it. It’s called BfA

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Level squish. For the new players.

Coming from someone who has leveled up a bunch of dudes lately.

Oh, you mean like only going up 5 levels, but inflating stamina x4?

Or you mean going up another 5 levels, but removing the entire talent system and reworking spellbooks from the ground up, while doubling down and inflating stamina even more.

No no you must mean removing half of the active abilities from the game, and returning to the +10 level system.

Wait, no. I’ve got it. You’re talking about going up another 10 levels, but removing weapons from the game entirely, removing another half of the spells from the game, and dividing talents abilities between PvP and PvE. Inflating the game so far in this iteration that single abilities were hitting in the millions.

My point is. Blizzard has a history of doing things their way, in a way that makes no sense initially. So far it hasn’t gone great. But maybe this is the solution. Because all the squishing and inflating is getting out of hand.

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You know what they say: fix it 'till it’s broken.

…yeah, that’s probably it.


The biggest issue is that Blizzard over the years kept inflating the numbers and stats from each expansion. Most MMOs before 2004 didn’t do this on every expansion. Why is that? Because they had a system in place that they can just add too slowly when it came to lvls and when it came to gaining power in your class.
This is why we have had now 2 power stat squishes and 1 item lvl squish since WoD. (Funny isn’t it?) I support the level squish when it comes to our levels if they create a system where we can level up in content and a system where we gain new class abilities and it can enter each new expansion with the system so they don’t need to come up with different systems for every expansion.

I agree with you to an extent.

Wow has been slowly pruned of out class abilities over the years though. That is what is resulting in the feeling of not getting more powerful. We used to have so many buttons to click your action bars were full with some still in the spellbook. Now im not actually totally against the idea of pruning our abilities, there were a lot.

What i think is a great idea, would be to give us a sort of point system/buffs per ability in the talent tree we have. Something that improves on those abilities making them do more damage, unbreakable cc, speed increase, the list goes on but you get the point.

No need for blizzard to invent new talents this way, and everyone feels the power after 100 and not getting more abilities. This way you have choice, “do i buff this, or this” “do i want better utlility, or more damage” “what better suits this dungeon/raid encounter”.

There is so much blizzard could do with a system like that. It would also make less work for them, and leave the community generally happier as things wont make another drastic change. Sure, do the squish. But all i have to say is if the community doesnt recieve a system like what ive mentioned, or new abilities, or bring back old abilities. The community perception would probably be pretty bad.

Just my opinion though.

The size of numbers (large or small) and whether or not seeing that “level up!” message comes with an associated meaningful impact on gameplay do mean something.

People wouldn’t be discussing whether or not it’s even necessary if it didn’t.

Assuming people are going to come back for the new xpac after that?

Then do it again next expansion when cap goes up again. Then the next expansion. Then to a stat squish and do it again next expansion.

It’s not a simply problem, and you are the one proposing a stupid solution.

You don’t need to do it again if you fix it correctly the first time.

Leveling speed was fine until zone scaling nerfed it. Ability distribution was fine when classes had more than ten in their spellbooks.

Thems just the facts, sorry little guy.

Yeah, or trivialize and nullify the hard-earned levels that existing players earned. All I know is, they better freaking not. They better come up with a better plan. Oh, I know! Listen to feedback and adjust the talent system and get rid of scaling! Levels? What levels?

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You just lost all credibility. Levelling was beyond a joke before 7.3.5. You’d do 5 quests in a zone, then move on. You wouldn’t even finish the first hub. Over and over and over until cap. It was the worst experience in the game, even during WoD.

I found the problem.

No I didn’t. It had different problems, but was ultimately better.

Run along, now.

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