Square Enix fired a male victim of sexual harrassment

So which is it? Do you stand by your convictions or do you virtue signal when its convenient?

Its obvious you’re not seeing what the OP is saying and your response is a poor excuse to label it as a whataboutism.

Just saying :laughing:

No, that is exactly what he is doing. He is going “well whatabout when Square-enix did THIS! See, leaving wow has no point because whatabout THIS!”

Which is asinine, also his last minute “men can be victims too”…is also just idiotic. No one said men can’t be victims. I am waiting for him to try to claim Afrasiabi is the actual victim and those women begged HIM to be harassed…

So you just virtue signal when convenient, got it. :upside_down_face:

Nope, see here is where it differs. I can demand the employees that caused this be held accountable and square enix change…the same way I want the same for blizzard. This isn’t a “one thing only” sort of deal. I swear you wanna be victimblaming cultist think everyone else can’t chew gum and walk at the same time

Square Enix is a strange company man. First they over sexualize women and children. I know wow is guilty of the former but the later is unique to square. Now this? Going to make a video about this on my streamer account. Absolutely repulsive organization.

I agree with what you said with the exception of this quote. It has a lot to do with it. Media cover and exposer are a big part as long as it can manipulate emotions more and more. When it’s a “current thing” it means a lot.

Why is this shocking? It happens every day and no one cares.
Winter is coming though.

Nope, nope, you can’t sit here and bash someone and run to another company who have had similar outcries from employees and say this is whataboutism.

If you’re going to preach to others about moral standards then stay true to your conviction, otherwise you’re nothing but a bandwagon virtue signaling sheep.

The difference between you and I is that I don’t claim to be something I’m not and wag my finger at you with some kinda of moral superiority complex. :upside_down_face:

Last I checked…I play both…I haven’t run to anywhere. I have expressed my dissatisfaction and if change doesn’t happen, then I leave. That is what someone without the emotional level of a toddler does, maybe should learn.

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If seeing the hypocrisy of others is being a toddler then I welcome the compliment. :upside_down_face:

Thank you :laughing:

being told you have the emotional maturity of a toddler isn’t a compliment, but hey guess a starving man will take any crumbs he can get

Love you :kissing_heart:

So this is Jeremy Hambly (who in 2017 was banned from Magic the Gathering for life for misogamy and harassment of a female cosplayer employed by WotC) reporting 3rd party and people here are eating it up as a way of defending Blizzard?


When you want to defend terrible actions, you ignore pesky facts and issues for your narrative. Haven’t you seen politics since…ever?


What does it feel like to be a troll account whose shtick is making light of pedophilia?

You’re utterly insane and a misandrist.

You’re a very emotional person, do you always talk about random things when you can’t make a point?


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Please don’t convince that clown to stay around WoW. Please. Let him leave (even though we all know he never will and I just here to virtue signal).

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Yes, he does.

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See, the point was made. It isn’t my fault apparently your intellectual level matches the emotional level of a toddler…but hey, can’t fix what’s permanently broke