Males can NEVER be victims. It is ALWAYS Females who are persecuted. You obviously are not WOKE ENOUGH!
ditto; I agree wholeheartedly. that doesn’t mean it can’t change in the future, but for right now, this is truth.
“You’ll all ignore this because it doesn’t fit your NARRATIVE! >=(” claims heavily liked post that no one is contesting
…Thanks for the heads up though. I do appreciate being made aware of this.
sQuarE-EnIX diD bAd ThINg, sO BliZZarD is gO0d!!$%#
so edgy. I like the use of your upper and lower case, so novel, witty, and clever. Such a great contribute to the thread. Thanks!
The OP is trying to make a point to everyone that was leaving for FFXIV due to the current situation with Blizzard and not an excuse for the behavior of either. He was showing that this occurs in many companies and some times you don’t even hear about it at all.
I think people know that it can happen. They are just not seen as victims in the same way as women because let’s face it. In general it’s not as severe of a thing and they will just move on. That’s where the cookie crumbles as far as this whole “equality” thing goes and it becomes a farce. I’m talking in general. Of course everyone is different, but in general men are seen to be able to handle certain situations better, so society at large would not care. That’s just the natural order of things.
At least their games aren’t half baked garbage, but go off OP you should did own the libs with facts, logic, and reason.
Right… I just don’t care for the person who he is using as his source material to back up his statement. Jeremy has a long storied history of lying and exaggerating stories to push his narrative.
It takes a special kind of problem causing to get banned for life from both their online games but also any real life events.
A youtube video? By a known misogynist channel that’s not a news org? It is disgusting that people would bring up lies like this to deflect.
Absolutely shameful. This is the state of the WoW community. Pulling up accusations by a known alt-right, misogynist channel that is not a reliable news organization to try and deflect from sworn statements in court by a state agency and hundreds of employees.
Shame on all of you.
Especially lying about Japan where sexual abuse is endemic against women.
This is beyond evil.
All the people believing this are either too credulous or just sexists who I guarantee you were casting doubt on the Blizz accusations and now eagerly lapping this up the notion that Blizz hadn’t been convicted yet, that this was political against Blizz. Well this channel is political. It’s one of the more popular incel/mgtow/mano-sphere sexist content creators.
The sad part is this happens way more then most people realize.
somethings to keep in mind, this happened in japan, its not corroborated by an extensive network like blizzard’s situation, and has essentially boiled down to he said/she said, but its certainly warrants are more indepth review/outside investigation
This video was made 2 years ago. Do you see what you just did? You paid no attention to anything and you used this post as a way to preach your own agenda and narrative. The person in this video (since it was made 2 years ago) is not a time traveler, they don’t know anything about what happened this month with Blizzard.
Start thinking with your brain instead of your emotions.
Lmao the quartering? Literally fake news
Wish many people can wake up to that logic. If it doesn’t fit their narrative then no one literally cares because it doesn’t sell.
Opens video
Oh hey this is that guy who got banned from MtG for being a misogynist.
Closes video
But seriously though do you have an article I can read or another source? This guy is a pos and I’m sure his analysis is super biased. I actually caught this guy’s stream once cause I was curious and it was just him criticizing the art direction MtG had taken because there weren’t enough sexy girls in card arts. He then proceeded to show alters of cards where girls were just modded to have bigger boobs. Like I can not take anything this dude says seriously.
It’s not about whataboutism. Its about calling out the the people who dropped one company for another who has the same sexual harassment issue. Whats even worse in Japan the culture there’s an expectations to “not make waves” and to save face. I know that specifically since I do have family there. So we have no idea what else is going on at square Enix besides the sexual harassment claims that have already been exposed so far.
The comment hypocrisy in this thread is rich
The virtue signaling and grandstanding was all fake, knew it.
Wait, you mean there are jerks everywhere?
Thanks for making that clear!
Hey, one victim had something bad happen to them? And you are here saying, since bad things happened elsewhere, we can’t have any recourse to a company that has a history of it come forward. Sure lets just all throw our arms up and just call it a wash…
Dude, this was a lame attempt to do whataboutism