Square Enix fired a male victim of sexual harrassment

So are you denying that he was banned from MtG Online and DCI for life for his extreme harassment and misogamy towards a Wizards of the Coast coplayer?


I’m saying that the behavior on display by that poster I quoted wouldn’t fly as an argument if the genders are reversed in this story. I don’t care about the conduit that is relaying the information at the moment. Misandrist.

You keep using this word as if you know what it means. You have an unreliable news source with a history of misogamy and harassments giving and unverified 3rd party account and then using that to go after people who are critical of Blizzard for something on a magnitude larger scale that has been verified by dozens of current and former employees.


A lot of you use the word “misogyny” a lot and it’s a great buzzword to fit your little narratives I’ll give you that, but I don’t think you actually know wtf it means. Lemme spell it out for you.


Uh. I’d argue no. They’d probably have to like them quite a lot actually.

Your OP reads more like you support what happened at Blizzard by playing whataboutism.

More than anything I’m positive you don’t know what it means.

Someone learned a new word and almost knows how it applies!!

I’m only in this thread to derail it with talks about cats.

Cats are cute.

Carry on.


mis·​an·​dry | \ ˈmi-ˌsan-drē \

Definition of misandry

: a hatred of men

Is that not the definition? I will alert Webster’s that they have an incorrect entry.

So if I point out that the news source who is giving this 3rd hand account was banned from a major gaming company for his behavior against women and thus is a highly unreliable source in this type of situation then that makes me anti-male?

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He is incompetent, you’re wasting your time.

Don’t be intentionally obtuse. A convicted murderer can testify against another accused murderer. It happens in courts all of the time.

Your problem, and it is a problem, is that you are blinded by an agenda and can’t think rationally.

People still pay attention to “the news”?

oh boi. somebody tell him

It’s not specifically both. More typically it refers to an aversion/awkwardness of, or prejudice against women.

You don’t have to like someone to lust after/feel a need to control or dominate them. Sexually harassing women can be done and is done by misogynists, just as sexually harassing men can be done and is done by misandrists. Doesn’t mean it always is, but that’s how it actually is a decent amount of the time.

Oh, and… yeah, sorry, if even half of the descriptions of the behavior in the workplace are true (which we will know eventually), then it’s pretty safe to describe that behavior and work environment as misogynistic. Misogynistic practices are no more or less common in the upper end of management and corporate structure than they are in the gaming industry, so it wouldn’t surprise me at all.

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Again the source is what is in question here as he is giving an unverified 3rd party account. You are using insults and claims of anti-male bias to try and muddy that.

Who are you mad at in your post, and why?

There is a huge difference between what is happening with Blizzard and this. While if it is true I hope the people responsible are held accountable.

Unfortunately there is no basis to this video at all. In fact the only proof of this incidence is this video. Doing as the OP said I googled his term and came up with this video and a bunch of forum/twitter posts (two of which were threads here on the wow forums). All of these said forum/twitter posts linked this and only this video as the source. There is no other information online that can be found proving that this even happened.

I would add that its also not about “sexuality” its about power. Misogynistic (Or Misandric) acts are a form of bullying.

So you can’t be taken serious, got it.

Fair, that’s why I said someone can hate/be averse to/be prejudiced while still wanting to control or otherwise dominate those individuals. I could’ve probably detached the two statements better, but that was more of my point. It’s not all about sexuality, but that’s a part of the power thing.

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