Spy vs stealth

Mad cuz bad.

You’re literally parroting what I said to you.

That’s an ancient comeback, boomer.

Ok Zoomer.

Spy does not prevent you from using stealth.

And yeah there are add ons like cast which trivialize interrupting heals.

The range has been reduced to 50 yards.

Quit trying to run up on an epic mount, stealth 10 yards away and get an opener. Sneak in from a distance like you’re suppose to.

You sound angry. Are you angry? Don’t be!

If by nerf you mean buff, then yes.

It’s amazing how many people seem to think stealth is part of their opening rotation and not a strategic movement ability.

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Its core to their class. This argument of yours is like a Priest with out any ability to heal of mitigate damage via bubbles.

Stealth is as Core to rogue as a mages ability to deal massive damage, snare, root and blink.

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It is core to their class in PVP. Rogue special abilities excluding Backstab really don’t do all that much damage given the resource costs.

Your argument is just horrid, this would be like my hunter not being able to Snare and Kite enemies.

This argument of yours is like a Druid that cant shape shift outside of combat and clear roots and snares with shape shift.

It’s 100% core to their class; if you cant see that then you’re flat blind to PVP game play at even the most basic level.

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And you clearly just didn’t understand what I said.

Rogues who think they should be able to run up to their target and use stealth as part of their opening combat rotation are bad and yeah suffer because of Spy.

Rogues who actually know how to use stealth properly know how to get around Spy. Stop stealthing right on top of your damn target, how hard is it for rogues to figure this out?

So let me ask you this question…

Should all rogues be FORCED into using both Master of Deception AND the +stealth boots in order to get close enough to a non-hunter in order to get an opener?

IMO no, player awareness is a skill in PVP and that should be very much 100% part of the PVP experience.

The more a player depends on Add-on support to play the game for him the worse the gaming experience becomes because now there is no real room for that player to grow, instead he’s nearly at his awareness cap because a machine can play that component of the game better than he ever will.

This is why the arena frames component in tandem with a couple other add-on’s in addition to macro targeting (via spy) kinda breaks the game dude.

This is why Arena in Modern wow has gotten so dull, and why the actual PVP arena competition at Blizzcon is so very different from “Arena” in game because @ Blizzcon they cant use addons.

Given the nature of how Blizzcon does things for a very good reason you can maybe see why Spy in additon to a couple other addons I will not name (to preserve the gaming experience) are bad for the game?

If you cannot see how this addon harms the game then I kinda pity you.

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Honestly I think rogues farming afk players in Kargath/Ironforge to be more gamebreaking than knowing someone stealthed within 50 yards. One directly leads to bis gear, the other doesn’t.

In a vacuum, Spy would be an issue. But it’s not in a vacuum. There’s a reason rogues aren’t struggling to get honor right now.

If a rogue goes into stealth that close to you, you hear the whooshing noise anyway, right?

Neither of those things are required.

Yes, if that rogue considers the stealth aspect the most important of the class.

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This has absolutely zero to do with anything, and it’s not even a rational argument.

If you leave your self marked for PVP combat while in a capital city and then get killed while AFK you have no one to blame but your self.

Anyone that gets in and see you AFK will likely kill you, just that rogues and ferals are far more likely to be there.

On my server Feral druids are far more common when it comes to the typical “ganker” than rogues are. Oddly rogues are very rare on my server for some reason, and given the state of the game being broken by addons and Blizzard’s failure to properly port the game I cant blame them for playing feral instead.

No, it has everything to do with what we’re talking about. Rogues are amazing at honor farming, and if you think they aren’t you’re either bad or lying to yourself. I’ve watched half a dozen rogues kill afk people in Ironforge in the past hour, and it doesn’t even matter that they die right afterwards. Getting 200 honor every 5 minute runback is the highest honor/hour anyone can get right now.

The fact that Spy makes it very slightly harder for rogues out in the world will be a total nonissue in 3 weeks, and is a total nonissue right now.

Defending the state of Classic Rogues in world pvp as a level 10 hunter is honestly comical. Log into the rogue you’re failing to get kills on.

It isn’t ironic at all, actually. My comment was based on observation of the thread, yours was just a negative, insulting post for the sake of posting.

You seem to be joining Honor farming and PVP together… While a side effect of PVP is getting honor there are those of us who PVP because its fun, not because we need honor.

I PVP on my hunter because it’s very enjoyable excluding a few bugs due to a Blizzard porting the game over to this modern game engine…

I do not PVP to collect gear, get honor or rank. I do not need those things; I gear my characters in PVE because its 1/100th the work for me to do so.

The gear rewards from raid are not quite as good as the PVP rewards for PVP use, but they will do the job just fine.

Just so you’re aware, farming HK’s on a hunter is flipping easy mode man. IMO easier than any other class excluding a few annoying bugs it’s a rock solid class.

My PVP buddy plays a rogue and I am actually kinda shocked at the state of game play for them because it’s honestly game breaking.

When you factor in both the bugs their class has AND spy in tandem with a couple other addons it’s actually a shocker anyone plays the class.

Can rogues go solo and PVP? Sure, but it’s not going to go how you think it does; the only way they shine are when the odds are already stacked in their favor (being part of an over populated faction) hunting players on the under populated faction.

Killing players of the over populated faction is actually easy as pie on a hunter, I truly pity rogues right now because this is not a vanilla experience for them.

You are trying to defend an addon that quite factually eliminates a big chunk of PVP game play; I pity you.

Troll confirmed. Just stop, dude.