Spy vs stealth

ITT: bad rogues. A lot of them.

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If you’re defending Spy you’re bad too.


Oh look another moron saying “StOp BeInG a BaD rOgUe”

Take your own advice, quit being a bad player.

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lol another helen keller that needs an addon to alert them whenever an enemy is nearby. Get good scrub, open your eyes.


Lol, what? No other class relies on cooldowns like rogues do,

I’m having a hard time visualizing your non-Spy scenario here. How are you even catching up to a mounted target in the first place even if you’re not in stealth? Won’t you be moving the same mounted speed at best?

Do you regularly make things up about people so you can belittle them over it?

That’s rich irony.

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Sounds like stealth is your crutch. L2P

It’s literally the class ability you absolute retard.

How about you don’t use any healing spells? Sounds like healing yourself to prevent your death is a crutch.

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How about your entire class is a crutch for PVP, and your selection of that class is the need for the advantage of sneak attacks.

Get good scrub.

:slight_smile: When I did rated it took 5 people to bring me down. If I heal - it still takes multiple people to bring me down.

You even rolled horde - becuase supposedly the PVP is better there - just like the meta says, right?

You scrape for every advantage you can get.

Playing a rogue - you don’t have the right to tell anyone to “git gud”.

So sick of people complaining about “Spy”. Though you do realize that once you go stealth and spy goes off saying a stealther is in the area thats all that happens? It’s not like it sits there and continues to alert the player…so like other have said learn to rogue. Stealth give it a minute or so and whom ever will most likely have moved on worry about a stealther in the area.

They’re salty cuz the “stealth, sap, press button to win” rogue “pvp technique” doesn’t work.

Rogue is the most brain-dead pvp class in the game right now.

Fix Spy? No. Fix Sap.

Yikes you’re so butthurt you’re trying to pull out things that never happened in rated, as if that matters.

Stay mad about rogues <3

Just enjoy the remake of vanilla while you can. In a year when the servers are dead and no new content is planned you will be very disappointed that you spent your time complaining about an addon that has existed since vanilla era. Good luck and I am sorry you are so upset by WoW addons.

“yikes” maybe I gave my account to my brother when I quit playing retail 5 years ago.

Sure thing trashlord. Keep telling yourself that the ability to stunlock people till their dead equals skill.

You play a rogue. You’re bad.

Hahahaha you’re so absolutely mad because you have to rely on an addon to even stand a CHANCE against rogues. Stay mad baddie.

Stand a chance against broken stunlocks? Ok.

You’re all excited that you’re playing a broken class and you think it makes you good.