Spy vs stealth

You’re defending an add-on that eliminates the need to target enemy units individually and execute abilities. In short you’re defending the additon of Arena frames in Classic wow.

You’re defending an add-on that removes situational awareness.

You’re either bad at PVP (very likely) or you’re just ignorant.

I know. It’s like rolling PvP but without the risk.

BaSeD oN oBsErVaTiOn Of ThE tHrEaD

if the addon catches it, lately its been buggy then sure they know you are or were nearby. You still have the greater advantage and should have no problem sapping someone and then unleashing your combos.

Even things like enemy cast bar can be considered unfair if you aren’t watching your log or w/e. What if a warlock was casting fear so you kick it, when w/o knowing what the enemy was casting you just did a shadow bolt instead or something like searing pain assuming you weren’t paying attention to the casting animation(or immolate)

Its not because streamers use it that prevented “removal” its because it does nothing wrong per TOS and uses only the in game combat log (check yourself what it shows by playing with the filters on it, defaulted the log is heavily filtered to not show all of that stuff). So to actually break the addon, would break any other addon that uses the log, like DBM.

Thanks to all the people who were complaining about spy, blizz reduced its range, which buffed spy, and nerfed other similar addons (like dbm technically, though I don’t suspect by a major noticeable difference)

As for using spy in a BG, that would be a horrible idea, as it would just be going off constantly for every opposing faction member in there, its actually not that helpful in a bg, though then again, with this change to range, it might actually be more useful now in them.

I have a few guild members who play rogues and have stated that really they have not had a huge issue with it, as they just play around it.If someone acts like they know your there, wait a bit longer, and stay within range, but move around so they think you left.

This 50 yard range on combat log entries has already broken dbm/details/threat meters. If any player is outside of the 50 yard range you get zero data about them. Fights like Rag are heavily impacted. What it hasnt broken is /combatlog and uploading them to warcraft logs.

You are on stealth, someone appear on mount, he can be

A) going in your direction: just wait and sap
B) going from where you come: just wait and sap
C) crossing for when you are: distract, sprint and sap

Also If you are on stealth, hunting for some kill, you need to go to a hot spot and move around it. They will come to you and a “bip” will tell you when they are close.

if you cant see its cheating the problem is with you or you dont care one or the other.

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If you think its cheating, maybe the problem is with you, or you are too sensitive, or the other.

Funny how statements like that are pointless right?

Sounds pretty default-UI-esque to me, the sort of thing the open access API is designed to create.

It augments and supports situational awareness.

You do realize that being good or bad at PvP has no bearing on whether this addon should be supported or not right? You can no more make an argument that only highly progressed raiders can comment on DBM or Recount than you can former Gladiators with Spy.

This is just completely juvenile. You’re plainly stating that rather than address an argument on its own merits, you’d rather argue that those that disagree are categorically lesser than you and therefore their arguments aren’t worth considering at all.

In the real world we call this stupid bigotry.

In the scenario that I set up, the Rogue is far enough away that the stealth sound effect explicitly does not play.

Well, the question is what that range is. I can’t imagine the range is much less than 50 yards. And if he’s more than 50 yards away, then post-hotfix spy wouldn’t see him anyway.

Just because i can play around an addon that makes my life miserable doesnt mean it should be allowed in the game. Imagine if there was an addon that made fear not work very well and it forced you to change the way you were supposed to play the game. And when you asked for the addon to be changed and army of weebs told you it was fair because fear was to strong to begin with.

Says the players that need cheats in order to beat rogues.

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Just what we need… another Spy thread…
But in your case i would say to you that you are 100% missing the point.
That moment when they start dropping expletives as you pop out of stealth behind them that you seem to enjoy so much even though you neither see here or feel it, is actually amplified by Spy.
They know you are there long before you strike, moving in fear, where is that guys… then you pop.
Its like dragging out the torture.

Spy isn’t cheating.

the sweet, SWEET irony of a rogue crying about pvp…

Rogues mad (x24)

haha as if the opener leaves them to do anything.

you picked a 3 second class because that’s all the longer you can last

Stun locks? Lets not forget that fear never breaks in vanilla. Besides im talking about removing an addon that heavily affects a players situational awareness/ just having it gives such a huge advantage. OP has nothing to do with class abilities. You seem to think that its ok to have an addon that directly counters two classes. just because you hate the classes doesnt make it ok.