Spy vs stealth

Ziryus does not understand because he never competed in arena and does not comprehend just how powerful a tool Spy really is.

He only understand that Beeeep of an enemy player and that a list populates with potential players on it.

That’s as far as he see it.

Yes assuming you are in range and have an instant cast ability and aren’t under a GCD or some other constraint, and in some case also requires the rogue to be in front of you.

And yes if a bad rogue let’s you see him before jumps you then you can target him more easily, but then that’s the rogues fault.

So once again Spy does not automatically break a rogue out of stealth or let you target through stealth.

Thing is dude… No rogue should need to play like rank 1 gladiator in order to get within 40 yards of me.

Right now because I have spy it’s nearly impossible and I am not even good at this game any more.

Flare does not reveal everything within a 40 yard radius of you.

No, it does not, when did I even mention flare too you?

You’re the one making the claim that spy makes it so a rogue can’t get within 40 yards of you.

Flare is the only ranged stealth break hunters have so…

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Pet, flare, trap, range attack… All of these will break stealth.

You grossly underestimate track hidden with Eng goggles and pots, I can see stealth classes at absurd distances and Spy just makes this even stupider because now not only can I both detect them at an absurd distance natively because of my class but they pop up on my Spy addon arena frame.

I simply zap em out of stealth and its GG because they’re never going to close the gap.

At this gear level Druids are even easier to kill than rogues; and thankfully most druids are total crap because their class is 10X more complicated.

50 yards is not far. Stealth outside this range and nothing will trigger. Maybe rogues should be improving their playstyle instead of making a beeline for an enemy upon sighting them.

Spot an enemy. Move outside 50 yards. Stealth. Proceed to enemy under stealth. Enemy thinks they are protected because of an addon. Rogue opens on a completly unprepared target. Rogue wins.

This being the issue - every single rogue expects - Rogue opens on a completly unprepared target. Rogue wins. - because they play a rogue, not because they are a good rogue

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i am talking about ingame i do not remember the units they use. but it is very small.

Even if we gave rogues stealth that could not be detected in any way, and they were given a free opener I strongly doubt most rogues could win a 1v1.

Most of them that I have fought are really bad.

Rogues are the least dangerous class in PVP now that we have PVP trinkets… If you can’t win a 1 v 1 against a rogue then it’s more or less your fault.

Did you not read my comments about 50 yrds…you guys shouldnt even have this addon advatage in the first place. Stop calling me a bad rogue when you are the using a crutch.

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Maybe the opposite should be true, maybe the player should be completely aware of their surroundings and get good if they don’t want to be caught offguard? Not rely on an addon to auto detect when a player makes an action to notify them that there’s an enemy nearby.

Lack of awareness = bad player. Stop relying on addons to carry you.


Im calling you a bad rogue for coming to the forums to cry about something, that has affected rogue gameplay for the last 15 years. This is not a new issue.

Its true Spy/addons of this kind are more popular today than they ever were, and you can thank the wow streamers for this.

Bro spy isnt a 15 year old addon…

Actually this sort of addon did not come about til TBC, it was not at all a Vanilla thing.

Arena frames and focus targets were not part of the original client they were added in TBC also.

Arena frames are game breaking if you don’t have them; it’s even more ridiculous for me because give a hunter, lock, mage or Spriest arena frames and we’re going to make you very miserable.

Do you enjoy all the nearly instant DoT’s you get when you charge into a pack of alliance where PVP is already strongly taking place and you’re not the first guy into the frey?

SPY did that for you.

Enjoy my friend, it’s not a “Get good” issue at all, it’s the power of this addon in addition to macro targeting that’s expanded because of this addon.

Just because you don’t utilize it as a warrior does not mean that range classes are not doing so.

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Stop being a bad rogue and trying to blame it on an addon.

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Switch over to whitemane so i can shove perditions blade up your ***


Posted May 28, 2009 [#2]

Sounds nice, I like the KoS list. Now when those tough twinks come around in BG’s I’ll be ready.

So Spy in its current form has existed since atleast 2009.

There was also a different addon that hunters used that actually tracked players and created an actual clickable button on the mini map that would pinpoint and target an enemy player.

So you need more of an advantage be asking me to fight with increased latency also?

But /target < playername > macros were a thing. Running premades with Killthathealer addon existed. Early forms of bg targets existed.

Yes special name macro were and we used them for known players.

Thing is Spy does this for you in real time without any effort.

Spy is automating the situational awareness needed to PvP.

That is the problem it presents the PvP community