Spy vs stealth

If a rogue aproaches you from the front sure paranoia will help… if they aproach from behind sap then open paranoia isnt helping much

50 YARDS is 150 Feet; that’s actually quite a ways. That’s half a football stadium.

If they sap a pet class then they’re not getting an opener dude. If you sap a pet class that’s not an idiot playing, the pet will bring you out of stealth.

Travel in stealth wait on the side of the road not on it sap mounted target use crippling poison on both weapons then do combo mentioned.

Im trying to help you here and it really sounds like you are looking for every reason to be defeated by an add on when you actually have options to counter it.

Get off the dam forums log into your rogue and try what i am sharing with you. You have options ffs

LOL no ability in the game has a 50 yrd range. And by the way 1yrd isnt 1 ft… (starts making monkey noises)

You cant sap demons yo… you sap the target.

Let me say it again…

If you SAP a hunter or a warlock the PET will bring you out of stealth if the PLAYER is not an idiot.

I have been able to screw every single rogue that has attempted to sap me out of his opener.

He would have been better off using cheap shot.

And spy gives you no directional information and does not see through stealth. Which means that even with the popup someone still has to find a random invisible target in a 50 yard radius.

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What would help me the most is if blizz breaks this broken arena frames addon. And yes you are right i can sit on a road to get targets sure but thats the only option left for stealth players. Camp a spot. The most fun thing about a rogue is going into faction cities and getting away with murder. Please go and try that and let me know how it gos. The second you leave stealth everyone in the city knows where you are. Because of a busted addon… not skill.

If SPY populates your arena frame you can simply attack them from range if you have a range ability and are in range.

YOU do not need to actually see them because they are indeed visible in some way.

If you’re fast and you have a PET you can simply send the pet after them as soon as they populate in the arena frame.

Man if yall want to keep on thinking you dont have options to gank people any more because of spy keep on thinking that. Just trying to help. All hope is not lost. Yall have options. Have a good one im going to go play the game.

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No you can’t, spy will not let you target a stealthed character.


Ziryus please improve your PVP skills. If you can’t send a pet after a rogue as soon as it’s detected then you’re bad.

If you cant range attack a rogue with an instant cast spell soon as it’s populated (because macro targeting is godly) then you’re bad.

Turns out Ziryus the problem here is your inability to use the addon effectively where as the rest of us who CAN are making things unreasonably painful for stealth classes.

Just because you’re incapable does not mean the rest of us are crap too.

Dude, I am old and slow compared to the guy I was 15 years ago, I could run circles around my modern self.

You sir need to improve; period.

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It seems like ppl are forgetting that spy +tomtom + hunter = /yell map cords/ mini map pings. I play on a horde DOMINATED server… just stand ina zone legit read all the red emeny faction yells… also spy+tomtom alone allows you to pin point non stealth classes…

Yeah it’s kinda crazy… Addons are in a way destroying the PVP experience in world because of how much information they provide.

The roaming packs of players; yup you guessed it we all use it. Why? Because we know where the action is.

On my server (I left whitmane horde & re-rolled alliance) we use these addons to do battle with horde raids and utilize it to know very effectively the horde raid movements so that we can indeed detect their flanking or fake outs and traps.

Spy in tandem with a few other addons is in many ways killing the world PVP experience for the solo player… How ironic that it’s the solo players who’re sticking up for this garbage…

I drop a trap every time I engage in a contested zone before i start pulling mobs. It has 2 purposes catch pvp attacks or a fall back to catch a mob.

I do so when I go to mine a node or fish as well. Now spy causes people who wouldnt do that to do so as well. That seems to be his point.

Set your traps right in front of you this way the rogue will have a much harder time getting to the trap… Rogues can disarm, but the range is limited so they will need to get inside of your detect range.

Stand in your flare toward the front of it to eliminate any possibility of an opener.

Flare has DOUBLE the radius of what is displayed on the ground so keep that in mind.

Doing these two things will keep you very safe, rogues will often attempt to disarm your trap, you can use this to your advantage by placing a trap in such a way that you know he will disarm and when it is disarmed (you will see it) flare him out and he’s done.

The temptation is to SS right off the clip, but snare him instead then sting. Staying at range will force him to burn vanish or sprint or both.

You can FD his cheap shot if you’re really quick and you see him coming, he will instead cheap shot your pet.

And you need to stop making up junk about the add on.

It cannot target through stealth. Might there be a brief window before the rogue completely fades? Sure, so yes a fast pet class might be able to put their pet on the rogue, of course there’s only 2 pet classes.

He isnt making anything up. The amount of times a random class pet has gotten me out of stealth is another reason why im here. I just prefer to spread my hate for the addon not the class.

IF the rogue populates on arena frame and you’re fast and in range you as a druid can moon fire / faerie fire. Assuming you’re in range.

IF he gets within your range to detect him, you can again do the same even though you’re not presently targeting him.

The arena frame is extremely powerful because its effectively a targeting macro that is 1000X faster than your ability to select the target manually and then do whatever it is that you want to do. (macro targeting required)

SPY arena frames are indeed required for Classic PVP because failing to have them is crippling VS those who do.

Spy arena frames make pseudo focus framing possible.

Spy is indeed game breaking for those who do not use it.