Spy vs stealth

To be fair, the only class you can’t one shot on a rogue is mage since they just ice block or blink your cc. Blizzard gave us a bone.


Stealth is my gap closer. Outside of a five minute cooldown (sprint) which is much better used as a defensive root remover. If you see a rogue coming then its already mostly gg. Im not saying i cant get kills. This addon gimps my CORE ability.


Just spell batch a gouge with the blink :wink:

But Ambush should do the trick nevertheless.

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Nah, clearly YOU’RE the one who needs to L2P, not the thousands of morons who need the crutch to alert them when enemies are nearby.



I understand that spy has great benifits so how about instead of breaking spy we just get rid of stealth notifications on the combat log. I feel that the only people who would take issue with this are the ones abusing spy because they fear rogues. You know who you are.


So… just gonna ignore the 60 rogue that also said it’s fine?


Been this way for 15 years. Is this your first rogue?

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You sound salty.

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I find it odd that there was never this outcry for the healer addon for pvp. Gates open and a large “X” is placed on the healers making it impossible to hide.
Im all for this spy addon until they get rid off the “all healers must die” addon.

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Typical Probably bunch of people that are heartseeker trolling you Toxic. Oh know don’t take a tool of finding rogues away. so that we can find them or easily. mass majority are just trolling and don’t want rogues to be the sneaky stab you in the back when least expecting type.

and notice how pretty much everyone that is telling you to Stop QQing aren’t rogues mostly classes that can’t handle a rogue with out being notified that theres one around.


This is just flat out untrue in its entirety. The premise is so wrong there’s not a good way to argue it.

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You may be unaware, but the rogue class was designed to start the fight with an advantage. It’s actually a pretty weak class without that advantage.

CDs can help alleviate, but caught out of stealth with no CDs is an auto loss to most competent pvp players of any class.

There’s nothing wrong with this and I’m not complaining, but you seem unable to understand how the rogue class works.


Well said.

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You still have that advantage. Think of it as a duel - you know a rogue is around but you cant target them. You can spam some aoe but a smart rogue can generallly avoid it.

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why was spy nerfed and not removed?because every twitch streamer uses it.

id love to level my rogue but i wont do it on a pvp server if i do.

spy will even ruin bgs for rogues.

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RIIIIIGHT come on man, we don’t stand still 24/7 with a flare or trap around us, spy allows us to do that, without spy you’re not afking on a trap or flare all the time.

Spy is an issue, bad players with crap gamesense and no peripheral vision are allowed to thrive because of it, and thats bad.


Human perception + spy means I’m detected unless it’s on CD or something.

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  • combat log seeing player stealth.
  • actually seeing the rogue dismount go into stealth.
  • starting a duel with a rogue.
    +seeing a rogue vanish from combat.

Yah see, this is the new meta though. As a stealth class, I’d be making their addon go off constantly, just watch them be all paranoid.

Once their have gone “addon’s crying wolf” mode - POW

Yea i love it when im questing a long and some rogue comes and 1 shots me

makes for great gameplay…/s