Spy vs stealth

Spy is severely nerfed. If you aren’t going into Stealth outside of its new diminished range you are just bad. You can visually see a target now before Spy picks you up. I am delighted with the nerf.

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Do you also want them to stand still, be less aware of you and not fight back in any shape or form like it’s an Ubisoft open world game? /s :stuck_out_tongue:

50 yards isn’t that far out of casting range. That’s a 100 yard diameter. Before this change it was a 400 yard diameter… You can work with this new combat log.

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I’m a Feral Druid geared for Tanking. Rogues are a free kill.

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Says the fear abuser.

To channel Illidan: we are not always prepared.

Take me for example. I was doing a little questing in Wetlands on my warlock, killing the little dragon hatchlings for goodies, and my toon (which was around the appropriate level for the zone) had to fight off a couple of them and was down to about half health with a dead pet. I do not use Spy and as I was trying to heal up I was ganked and killed by a rogue. The rogue did not wait until I was high health and had my pet, they took advantage of the fact that I was at a severe disadvantage.

Now, that’s no real big deal, crap happens, but it speaks to your point that you cannot always be prepared for a stealthed character if they can take advantage of that stealth to attack you when you cannot get yourself healed up and set. If I’d had Spy, I probably would have known that rogue was around and could have done something quickly to get ready.

And I repeat - I’m not expecting the world’s smallest violin to play at being ganked by a rogue (nasty beast that it was). I’m just responding to you that it’s situational, you can’t say that its possible to be prepared for sneak attacks every moment of your play.

Stealth classes cry. Learn to real pvp.


For the last time im not talking about trying to sneak ip to a 15 year veteran of the game. Im talking about the other 90% of the player base. UNAWARE PLAYERS

Well if that’s your argument the learn to PVP without an addon crutch?

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I do not personally use the addon. The point of the post is to bring to light that a third party program nullifies two classes mechanics. Rogues and feral druids kits are designed to use stealth. This addon not only sets of a raid siren when a stealth class uses stealth even if you dont see them use it on your screen AND gives you the last known location of the rogue/druid before stealth was used. So now you have a group of enemys actively searching for you, when they shouldnt have even known you were there in the first place. This addon is destoying the playstyle of entire classes.

I agree with you that its at the very least inappropriate as an allowable add on. If other classes had an important technique that was equally affected the forums would be on fire about it. Or an add on that allowed players to see through things like Invisibility Potion. It’s all sort of relative, but particularly as it relates to rogues. Many base their opinions subjectively because of a personal dislike of the class.


Rogues have a hard enough time in classic. Everyone says that they are not top tier. that is, rogues are subpar even with the element of surprise and getting the opening attack. this app destroys the class


EZ PZ don’t ever leave stealth


Thank god for spy. I hope they keep it. Spy evens the playfield. Now we have a chance to see you before you keep us in a constant stunlock till death. Perfectly fair imo.

Bad rogue is bad


You sometimes have the ability to see a stealthy character when they are close. That second before my opener should be your window for a counter aoe fear or wirlwind or demoralizing shout or any of literally a page of abilities that will get a stealth class out of stealth. My class relies heavily on getting an opener and this addon makes it really flipping hard to that. Imagine if warriors couldnt use charge or mages couldnt use nova ect ect.

Trinket macro’d with stoneform, shield, fear, SW pain, mindblast … crymore.

LeArN tO rOgUe

You sound like an idiot.

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“I can literally disable almost every class with one spell while simultaneously killing them. They may be able to remove it once every five minutes. But a core mechanic of your class should be impaired because yOu DeSeRvE nOtHiNg.”

I’m a rogue and could care less about spy, I’ll farm my honor node anyways; but, this could be one of the most moronic comments I’ve read in awhile.


Stealth is not meant to be leveled out, it is a principal component for rogues. This sounds as stupid as me stating you shouldn’t be able to use berserker stance because I feel it’s unfair.

Just saying though, I couldn’t care less about Spy. It’s already too easy to farm a warrior.