Spy vs stealth

I say it’s fair
I only main rogue for my entire life

What now?


I get you Ginzo, but lets just step back and analyze what you said for a second. So, we can assume that the hunter you are mentioning is a night elf hunter, killing some tigers right under the bridge near Nesingwary Camp. While he’s getting in the zone, maybe listening to some music, and getting close to finishing the tiger hunting quest, is it realistic to expect that he’ll just set down a trap and flare every few seconds, even if, as far as he can tell, no Horde players are anywhere in sight? Assuming that he is using SPY, he may be able to tell that an Undead Rogue just went into stealth on the road a little ways south of him, when he otherwise wouldn’t have noticed that he had a ganker coming after him.

Our likely mutual distaste for gankers aside, is it fair for the hunter to perceive the rogue without using any of his in game senses? He can’t see the rogue, or hear him go into stealth or sprint, and yet he suddenly knows that he needs to put down a flare when he otherwise would likely never have done so. It just doesn’t seem like good game balance to allow the stealthy aspect to be taken away from the Sneak ability. I mean, did the Rogue step on a twig or something? Why would the act of trying to go unnoticed ironically result in your being noticed?


I don’t even play rogue but if they removed Steath from the combat log I don’t see why that would be bad


fantastic, you are an anomaly.

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I think the main thing in my example is that a grizzled PvPer will ALWAYS be vigilant.

This addon just makes everyone similarly grizzled. Does it cause people to be more on edge than normal? Yea, but how you handle someone on edge or prepared doesn’t change.

I played rogue up til MoP. Alert or not, it’s always the same.

They’re just irritated they can’t get easy ganks.


stealth classes deserve nothing

sounds like rogues stomp you

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sounds like you too get slammed by rogues :frowning: learn to play mate

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Look mom, I’m a anomaly!

What you said? that Fallcore generalization don’t pull his weight? No mom, don’t be mean, it’s only me.

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I totally understand your point, it’s just that our opinions differ on the different kinds of vigilance in-game. It makes sense for an experienced PvPer to be vigilant, because they would know as soon as they stepped into STV that a big target was painted above their head. It doesn’t make sense to me that anything, whether it be an addon or otherwise, could allow an inexperienced player to obtain an advantage that normally would come just by playing the game and learning naturally.


It’s not what addons are suppose to do?

Compare any healing addon vs playing without it. The addon give an advantage.

As a rogue I think this addon is absolute trash, but have come to accept it’s not going anywhere, and honestly seeing someone go instantly on the defensive when I get within 50 yards and go stealth can be fun and make for a solid 1v1. Sure free honor is nice, but my favourite part of playing a rogue is being able to find occasional 1v1 battles that take some amount of skill, or at least more than the 20v1 gank squads.

At this point though if it’s a human I just leave. Spy + perception as soon as you detect a rogue going stealth = getting charged or hit with a ranged ability from 10+ yards every time.

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I have less qualms about addons that assist healing, which is multi-targeted, micro-intensive and entirely defensive, than I do about addons that give an offensive advantage, like being able to track down and kill another player that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. That isn’t to say that I even like the healing addons… but raids would be an effing nightmare without them, so I can deal with it.

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There’s a lot of red herrings being thrown around here. The intention of stealth is to allow for undetection. This addon breaks that mechanic. That’s all that’s being said. This rogue in particular being good, bad or ugly all have nothing to do with what he intended to point out.


The addon read the combat log, in any case, the combat log is at fault of break the mechanic.

I didn’t know that, good point. Then the combat log perhaps should be changed to not include such information. In my opinion it should be, anyway.

To the OP: You should ditch this topic, create a new one specifically about the combat log, secondarily about the addons which utilize it, and go from there, maybe.


That have much more sense.

Honestly stealth shouldn’t exist at all.

It’s the most op mechanic in the game. It’s free invisibility. It really has no place in a pvp environment.

Any form of play that relies on you having fun at the expense of other people is not a good type of game play. I know lots of people love zero sum games and taking advantage of others, but that mentality is destroying the planet at an unprecedented rate, and making many people miserable.

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Yea, for me, personally I can understand that. But, while it makes them alert, it also doesn’t make them on par with those grizzled vets once you let loose the hounds of war.

They may mimic the alertness but if they may not mimic the response.

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Yep, that is true, and the experienced rogue will probably just wait for awhile until the hunter thinks that he has moved on, then strike. For the record, I don’t think that SPY is game breaking, I just don’t like it when 3rd party products give anyone in PvP a tangible advantage over their competitors. I’ve learned to suck it up, since most addons won’t be going anywhere.

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