Spy Classic Addon needs to go

So many idiots QQ’ing. I love them tears. QQ more, please. Fill my canisters of idiot tears so I can use them to douse your flames at me. LOLOLOL


There were addons like this in vanilla. This is nothing new. 10/10 will continue to use.


Totally agree it needs to go!

What do you care? You are a level 120, you should be fine against all the level 60’s with a spy addon.


But the addon does not locate the stealthy like you described, at all. The best you get is someone stealthed somewhere near you that you could target them if you had seen them… before they stealthed.



Instant flare, Arcane Explosion, Reign of Fire, Blizzard… Spy is DBM for world pvp and ruins the essence of it 100%. It also absolutely hurts druids and rogues 10x more than other classes.

People who think this addon is “no different” than what players can do w/in their combat log have no clue what they’re talking about.

Ok, so do you use DBM? Do you use other add-ons that change the interface in a way that’s more user-friendly or provide you with additional info?

Coming from other mmorpgs with pvp this was called “radar”. It was highly bannable offense and actually got you made fun of because you were cheatin and discredited your kills. This was in dark age of camelot where pvp was the most important part of the game so i realize wow is a tad different. Hunters have it built in. Either way it definitely gives a huge edge and takes away the ezcitement and spontenaety of world pvp. I would like to see it go.

I have combat log windows and chat window separate.
I have multiple combat log setups. ALL, just enemy, me, etc.

When out in the world, I tend to have my ENEMY window opened. As I move through the world I have see enemies appearing with buffs, moves, etc.

Then without as spy addon, I could do a /target name to select them.

Since I have only player enemy activity showing, if no one is around my combat log is clear. As I am fighting, if I see red text show up, I can read and possibly see what the deal is.


Good thing that has nothing to do with WoW.

You mean you want to be able to get a row of DoTs on someone before they notice something is wrong? /giggle

Alas, you may have to cast more than that.

This addon is not bad it has saved me from ppl ganking me many times it has been in retail since bc if it was such a huge issue they would have got rid of it back then.

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Admitting that this add on gives advantage is good. This is why it needs to be gone. It breaks the game for stealth pvp. It enables cheating.

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Then get rid off of all addons then because it gives a advantage.

All addons grant some advantage, else people wouldn’t bother installing them.


This is a lie.

And this is also a lie.

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prove me wrong

It is a valid addon.

Ya, and this thread is challenging that.

This addon can target stealth player but yeah its fair ???

There was an addon like this way back originally too, i forgot it’s name
But someone way back showed me how you could see the same thing with no addons, just the game itself, to try not getting ganked in the barrens and such.
IIRC neither let you know until the person is fairly close, so you may just get ganked anyways

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