Spy Classic Addon needs to go

Doesn’t sound like it fits the bill of why they worked to address LFG. Their criteria being:

attempts to create an interconnected social network that relies on other players also using that same add-on

It doesn’t create a social network, it only uses the existing ones (party, guild etc…) and shares data between those users if desired :man_shrugging:

Spy is a joke. It should be banned and you know it, if you want it so much, it means you are THAT bad! lololol


A toxic warlock? It can’t be! :roll_eyes:

what hte hell do u mean by toxic?

Experienced this addon in a group last night. It absolutely needs to go. It completely takes the fun out of PvP across factions.


i have been running around with the combat log open for years. adding the fact that im always in voice chat with my guild/friends we just tell eachother when we see things… also using other addons that watch combat for dps they can also be used to keep a log of every player that has been added to the combat logs then set up macros or other things to annouce new users that were just mentioned in the logs… in a way a already had a home made version if this. however players with 0 buffs running do not show up on combat logs. niether do players that were stealthed before they were close enough for my logs to see it. i’ve had several players walk right up to me without being noticed and they just pop thier buffs right before they jump me. I dont see this addon as being a problem although it makes me sad that players who arent as clever as me now have easy access to my techniques. if anything it will make players even more sneaky and that will just make pvp more fun in the long run.

A fellow Vanas KoS user?

Yup I remember using it back in 2006 or 2007. Worked exactly the same as this mod.

Please stay on-topic thanks

Track humanoids = spy.

Why should addons give players other classes unique abilities?

Ban this trash.


100% accurate.

You can go back to retail if you dont like it.

I was trying to find a rare spawn today and encountered sombody using this addon. as soon as i got within range a level 1 warrior was at the spawn point, then immediately a 60 warlock comes out and kills me. I try to switch layers and do, and what do i find? another lowbie character on the second layer and guess what happened next? since i had to corpse run which took probably 5 minutes. the same warlock layered back and killed me again.

I wanted to play on Herod, once I saw the queues I selected one of the new realms Kirtanos. There’s no way to predict that 3v1 horde vs Ally ratio at that point.

Last night horde steamrolled SW, IF, Darn, and Menethil harbor. Unless I’m in a guild MC run I’m constantly at a disadvantage.

I want to wpvp but mostly want it to be on a somewhat level playing field. Spy allows me to track gankers which are numerous. If you want to break Spy then give us real blizzard population levels and paid xfers to any realm.

Until then, no Im not going to reroll to the easy faction(cough, horde) I’ve played a Ally rogue o nce on Moonguard winning all the time due to numbers is kind of boring too.


Yeah there are addons that shouldn’t be allowed. This definitely needs to go. I don’t even play a rogue but that sounds really effed up.

Agreed, any add-on that disrupts the flow of combat thru alerts before engagement is absurd. This add-on is way to powerful for griefing/tracking/harassing potential players. Get rid of this crap.

There’s a lot of addons that are like this.


This addon not being immediately banned shows how incompetent Blizzard is and how they don’t understand ANYTHING EVER ABOUT ANYTHING related to ANY of their games.

Seen hunters INSTANT mark players when in view (fading in) while their backs are turned and running towards mobs . This mod needs to go asap.

You didn’t even say why you think it breaks anything other than it uses the combat log.
With this logic we should get rid of deadly boss mods or anything that lets you know you are burning or standing in something or an event is about to happen…