Spt 17th Mega Server Merger

forced to play on CS or WG…why not make new servers? how is it fair that I have to search for a new name now yet the people on CS get to keep what they have.

Do Blizz devs ever think things through?


Dead game is dead.


Don’t transfer if you’re so tied to your name.

Oh, thought so, see you on Crusader Strike.


you will but i think its BS. Not making new servers is a terrible idea imo and well just flat out lazy but then again this is Blizzard. Come to expect as much.


because this effects the smallest amount of people while still achieving blizzard’s goal of consolidating the realm populations.

I feel like Blizzard thought this through a whole lot more than you did.

Option 1: Make entirely new servers, pissing off the vast majority of their remaining SoD populations already on WG and CS.

Option 2: Make WG and CS the destination realms, keeping everyone on WG and CS happy.

Not exactly rocket science.


Plus I’m sure he can find yet a different Ascii B to use for his name, if the original is even taken…


We have the option to not transfer? Don’t you threaten me with a good time.


Season of Discovery has done nothing but bring me down as a person. everyday i come in here and all you do is tear me down insult me hurt me with your words and do nothing but harm me emotionally physically mentally and I just can’t take it any longer SoD is so abusive and toxic it’s crazy. no one even realizes how disgusting all of your behaviors are. every single time I talk or type or even do anything or interact with anyone in SoD everybody just goes against me and gangs up on me like a pack of wolves and just attacks me and i didn’t do anything to deserve these attacks and these hurtful words. i literally just try to be nice to everybody but nobody ever wants to be in my shoes and nobody ever tries to sympathize with me and see where I’m coming from all of you just see me as the enemy and as the bad guy that’s trying to ruin SoD or something when really I’m just trying to spread positivity. you guys act like I’m some kind of virus or disease, constantly casting me out so much, making me feel so left out and so alone in SoD. it’s driving me insane I feel mental and I feel like a weirdo just being around all of you because of how you treat me. at this point in time, I’ve given up on ever trying again and ever becoming any of your friends because I just know your feelings towards me clearly. i know all of you hate me and never want to be around me again or never have anything to do with me. it’s clear that you all think I’m a joke and that I’m stupid, idiotic and boring. it’s so mean because I literally don’t do anything to you guys but you guys always act like you hate me and it makes me feel so confused because I don’t know what I did to deserve it. I feel like I should just leave because clearly nobody wants to be around me and everyone would be happier if i left anyways so i’ll just go and i hope all of you find happiness in life and i’m sorry for all the troubles i’ve ever put any of you through. i give up. goodbye.


so its not ok to piss of people on CS who pay the same for their sub as everyone else but its ok to piss off others…are all the people on CS as dense as you? I know most made toons there because they are fan boys of streamers and cant think for themselves but come on…I think this is a bad idea…Hopefully im wrong

Sorry, I’m the dense one? I’ll try to spell it out for you a bit better.

Option 1: They piss off everyone.

Option 2: They piss off everyone except for the majority of SoD players, who are already on WG and CS.

Does that make it easier for you to comprehend, maybe? It’s not about them choosing between pissing off CS and WG players or other players. Its them choosing between pissing off EVERYONE… or just players not on CS and WG.

They understood that this decision would upset a lot of people playing SoD. They decided to go through with it anyways. They then chose the option that will piss off the least amount of players. It’s really that simple.


from what i saw most people wanted fresh servers.


from what i saw, most people didn’t want to have to move at all. hence the majority will be happier if they don’t have to do anything or worry about trying to get their name.

heck, when Blizzard let the original realm consolidation thread lapse and fall off the pinned section, I initially assumed the backlash was so severe that they decided not to go through with it.

i think you are mistaken sir…I have not heard 1 person who didnt agree with mega servers…but we all assumed they would be brand new servers.

Anyways i hope you are alliance on CS so i can camp you and you wish this never happened.

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then you should go reread the original realm consolidation thread, where many people expressed their aggravation with this decision by blizzard over this decision. so much aggravation and vitriol that blizzard went completely radio silence about it for three weeks.

I am. You’re welcome to try to find me on any one of the ten+ layers Crusader Strike will have up constantly after the 17th, lmao. though we’re more likely to run into each other in AV once Phase 5 drops and I’m farming Rank 13.

people only come here to complain so OF COURSE you will see more posts not liking the idea. are you new?

whats your toons name? im in AV as we speak
…i kinda wanna tea bag you

That’s true…but once they realized blizz was following through all i see are
A.) Let us move from PvP > PvE
B.) Open new servers

and in classic blizzard style they did neither of these things.

you’re the one who said “I have not heard 1 person who didnt agree with mega servers” lmao.

I’m literally posting on him right now, also from AV.

ok queue up kiddo …the player who tea bags you after you die is me

Honestly, the bigger problem was wowhead dropping the ball and announcing the original realm consolidation as Blizzard opening new mega servers, when Blizzard never said they were going to. This gave people false expectations.


oh and remember the part where you said “Cant get the many on CS mad” doesnt the “you can stay on your server” apply to them too? I think i was told if i didnt like it i can stay on LW…cant you just stay on CS if you didnt like brand new mega servers? /shrug