Spt 17th Mega Server Merger

Blizzard wants to teach you to always roll on the mega server. Never consider anything else.

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I don’t honestly care either way. If they’d made brand new mega servers, I would have gone where my guild went, and that would be that.

You’re the one who started this thread with the presupposition that Blizzard didn’t think this through. All I’ve done is explain how they clearly DID think things through. Brand new servers would have pissed off everyone. This route pisses off less than 50% of the SoD playerbase. Simple math. I get that you’re upset because you’re part of that less than 50%, but that doesn’t change the facts.

Yup, this is it exactly. Back at the beginning of SoD, Blizzard said they would be willing to take drastic measures to ensure population/server health. This uncertainty about the long-term viability of any other server except for the biggest is why my guild chose to stay on CS over rerolling to CB in the early days of Phase 1.

We were proven to have made the right decision in Phase 2 when they shut down CB, and we’ve been proven right again now as they’re shutting down everyone else.

There’s a use case for having (1) PVP server for US-East and US-West. However, based on experience during the classic project, Blizzard likely decided not to do that because then players would fuss about the third server being a dead server because the majority of players are going to want to transfer to one of the two existing mega-megaservers.

However, if a new server was created to be the official third SoD server, perhaps that wouldn’t happen because enough players on all the other servers would have a destination server where there’s a higher probability that they could retain their name(s).

Oh thank god they didn’t allow this. You are locked in here with me

i never wanted off pvp servers to be fair

Mr McBeefy.

You grievance is justified. But, it’s the lesser of all evils. I too would like a fresh server so I can jump on and land-grab all the cool names I missed after my 2nd SoD server transfer. When I and others were forced to Wild Growth, we had to lose names to those already there for months. It sucked.

I was not able to retain two or three of the names I’ve been using tor 20 years on and off in WoW. But, with a little creativity, and a LOT or re-rolling I was able to get some of the best names I ever had. And, actually, it appears someone DID delete a toon or two as I was somehow, able to get a couple of the names that were NOT initially available when they forced LavaLash to join Wild Growth.

That being said, what you should get angry about is the complete dogcrap code that doesnt allow multiple name instances with hidden battle-tags or the “-server” at the end of your name. As it is…I think BLIZZ was planning this for a LONG LONG time as when I try to email one of my toons from a 2nd account I have, it shows “Arthas-WildGrowth” even though both of my toons are on Wild Growth, and they are the only ones.

So, to their marketing lies “we can’t do it, it’s too expensive, it’s un feasible” blah blah blah. They did it before in retail merge and it actually IS in place now.

I don’t get it. But, we are voluntarily playing a game based on 20 year old code. And, do you REALLY want to play a game with 47 people named “Darkmoon” or “StabbyMcStabb” ?

Tell you what…I have quite a few names I grabbed over the past 6 months that I don’t play anymore. When you get on, you hit me up. (If I’m not on, send and in-game letter) and if I happen to have one of the name your looking for…I’ll release it for you. Doesn’t matter what their level is. I am constantly re-rolling toons all the time anyway. I don’t just love vanilla, I love the “starting” experience pre-40. It’s a sickness.

Anyhow, hope to see you in-game. We’ll still have fun.


LOL. Like irl your name isn’t unique nor is it special. Go get a binky because ur teething I mean seething over nothing…

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Wow. Sorry to hear about your experiences. Me, personally have found SoD to be wonderfully friendly. Now, bear in mind it was a LOT more so on Lava Lash, the RP server.

Now, Wild Growth has a few more douchenozzles, but you get that with larger populations. There are just more bad people and it only takes ONE bad person to stand out and make things icky for everyone.

In a perfect world (game) you wouldn’t have to deal with these people. But, that is just an IRL fantasy…not a fantasy RP game. Even though you may feel like you shouldn’t have to put any effort into it…/ignore command works wonderfully. It may not be as big as you like, but surely big enough to hold the worst offenders.

Other than that, there are tons of single player games out there. If you want to play with other people, nut up, use the tools provided and stick to your guild chat.

Oh wait…you left. Nevermind.


P.S. Can I have your stuff

Actually, in Hollywood with actors and actresses having a unique name is a thing. Sorry to be devil’s advocate but, yeah. Go look it up, it’s one of the many rules in the Screen Actor’s Guild.

Supposedly people on crusader strike too are searching through WCL of top guilds on other servers then taking their guild names and offering to sell them back to the guilds when they come. :rofl: :rofl:

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Nothing wrong with being a patent troll.

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Yeah I mean, I personally would just pick a new guild name in this scenario so if people are willing to pay for it I guess let them.

Only a handful of morons made that assumption


I have the name Mcbeefy on crusader strike. It’s a bank alt I rarely ever use. Better luck next time pal

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Cause CS is the streamer server and we can’t inconvenience them

They simply don’t care…and haven’t cared for many years now. Blizzard is a terrible company…the end.

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its ok I already took your name

Sucks. Thanks for sharing.

Well, I play horde and alliance on PvP servers. Whats going to happen to my other characters? I am forced to play a PvE server?

Well I’m not okay with oce US servers merging into a non oce server as my ping will go from 7ms to 170ms :frowning: so there you go now you’ve come across someone not happy with the merge.