Sprite Darter Mog Set Found

In the dressing room you can put the wings on a northrend skeleton. You’re welcome for that info.

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That’s not anyones fault that the CAD rate is higher…Canada is great in many ways, but in this one, you get screwed…

Did I blame somebody?

when mog in game randomly disappears its stupid to buy mog from the shop i recommend not doing it how many times has your stuff vanished on you ? i know mine has many many times to the point i don’t actively farm mog any more

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Yea basically, I mean come on…its 15 bucks a month and people want to gripe…they havent raised sub prices in 16 years…and people still wanna gripe over a dumb transmog set that you dont have to buy…

If anyone hasn’t noticed WoW’s subs have dipped quite significantly the last few years, you should expect more and more of this kind of stuff going forward as they seek to increase profits…

its inevitable for all MMO;s - WoW was just bigger and more insulated from the start…but it was inevitable.

ITT: People dont see that the set is also being sold for 20 $USD in the shop as well.

If they raise the prices people may actually stop playing easier to get people to pay 6 months and mircos than raise the price.

Yea because BLizzard forgot to mention that on the feature page. YOu have to go find that out yourself… I.e SCUMMY

No, I didnt say ya did. You were complaining that you pay so much to play WoW cause CAD is more expensive, and I said yea, basically, yea that sucks, but that’s just how it is…

Now imagine if they raised Sub costs to what they should be in 2020 (20.65) - You’d be paying 325! CAD a year!!!


I dont think you know how promotions work.

Do you have the manual given by god that explains just how exactly promotions are supposed to work? Lol

He probably does have a manual from God about it…

its called common sense…

May want to ask God for the copy…

Sorry what? Your use of words is tragic

I dont know what you are trying to say here because it sounds like gibberish…but thats how a promotion works.

Their isn’t some set in stone way that promotions are supposed to work… Like you are implying…

This is just like the stupid onsie from blizzcon u get it and ur like why did i want this stupid thing ill never wear it…

Sweet do like

Btw I like my stupid onesie


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I must be the only person who’s a little excited for them to come out with premium transmog sets.

That has got to be the ugliest transmog I have ever seen.


Yeah, it’s not my thing either.