If not for the wings, I’d thought that it was a jester set.
To me this is less of a “we’re missing out on a six month sub mount bundle” and more “We’re getting a mog bundle in addition” because Steamscale bundle JUST happened… If that makes sense
I thought It was Shiesty of them to attach the reward to a 6MONTH sub on the feature page but it “Fine print” you could go buy the costume for $20 under the new transmog tab in the store… WHY NOT SHOW US THE $20 PRICE TAG ON THE FEATURE MENU? That’s scummy to me…
This. Definitely gonna use the wings for something.
Meh they’ve done it before. The yeti costume was a blizzcon thing.
And there were the store helms for a while.
it’s cute on the gnome
They will be selling fewer level boosts and no more gender changes.
I’d rather them monetize new content rather than game services.
$20 is a lot for a transmog to me.
I wouldn’t consider it.
Fortunately for blizz, others will.
Prisoner’s dilemma on a large player scale.
Right? You can get a like 25+ complete character remodel + Transmog for $12.50 from the transmog beacon
Unsurprising but disappointing.
Seems clear to me that this was made for BC2020 but now that it’s online only they need to have something better, like a mount, to get people to pony up for it, so the PJs got punted to the store. Probably why we’re not getting anything for the prepatch event other than catch-up gear with a recycled appearance from an old PvP season (which STILL is not actually Live, WTF Blizz)
Meh, pretty much every MMO does this…it doesnt hurt my enjoyment of those games and won’t hurt my WoW enjoyment either…
Honestly, who cares, if ya love it and want to buy it, then buy it…if not, who cares.
Ive bought a couple Xmogs in SWTOR in the past and will in WoW if they make some cool ones that appeal to me.
Honestly at 15 bucks a month WoW is so cheap that giving them a little more money for things like this doesn’t bother me too much.
Seems clear to me. I can totally see this being the swag / Virtual Ticket in-game reward. Anything come up from their other games that would fit this description as well?
I CARE because I already pay them $260 CAD annually for them to continue game development and add new content for me to do. NOT PUT IT BEHIND PAY WALL
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! My eyes! It burns!
So no mount just stupid wings. Cool cool cool cool
Well, if that were the case they should probably increase subs to account for inflation from 2004…
So you sub should probably be 20.65 a month…before taxes…
It’s already extra pricey cause CAD currency is trashh lol
Soo a token?