Sprite Darter Mog Set Found

And it’s a subscription reward.

Like, I don’t really care about them putting rewards on the longer subscription commitments, but this? This set was datamined months (years?) ago and has inspired tons of speculation on Dreamgrove murder mysteries and interesting ways it could be acquired in game and you put it… here?

How disappointing.


They need to get people to commit themselves to a 6 month payment before they find Shadowlands sucks for most players.


Agreed. It should have been a secret finders quest. That would be much more interesting.


but how could they take advantage of consumers if they did that


Anyone with an on-going 6month sub got it yet?

You can buy the whole set for $20 if you don’t want to sub for 6 months.

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" It is assumed that players that currently have a 6-month subscription running will receive this transmog set for free."

The price isn’t the problem. The quests to figure out things and unlock them are fun and feel rewarding.

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I mean, like I said I’m not that peeved about them attaching rewards to the sub. I do six months subs anyways so I’m going to get this for free. It’s just annoying that something that should have been a cool secret or challenge in game is now just a shop item. They’ve never done that with mogs before (barring the Blizzcon yeti onesie) and I don’t like the precedent.


lol blizzard uwu

Asmongold raging on stream rn about Blizzard having the AUDACITY to add it to the game. Cry harder baldman lmaoooooooo


LOL oh man. I can’t wait to buy this train wreck.


I don’t love the overall set, but some of the pieces will be awesome in transmogs.


As I said in the other thread, this being a gift for 6 month subscribers doesn’t bother me. What does bother me, on the other hand, is that there’s a new tab in the shop now for “Transmogs” which suggests this will not be the last transmog we see pop up in the shop. In a game as big as WoW, with as much lore as WoW, and as many opportunities for fun things in game to do, putting something like transmog in the shop is going to bother me beyond words.


Can’t wait to see Asmongold’s perpetually confused face pop up in my Youtube Recommendations again uwu

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I like the idea of some mog sets available in shop for a reasonable price. If they are for fun and the game still has amazing sets to earn in it (that’s the important part) I don’t mind at all.

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Surprised it took them this long to start selling t-mog sets honestly uwu.

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I mean, did you see BfA? This set was developed in the same expansion that killed off class tier sets, and now they’re selling it in store. Not a great look.


The set starts out promising, but the legs and boots take it into Xmas elf territory. Most of the individual pieces are fairly unique, though, and could easily be the basis for a number of mogs.

Oh I saw, very disappointing. They did do the heritage sets tho which were nice. The new stuff looks great that is coming out with shadowlands too.