Spriest LFG raiding

Shadow Priest, looking for new guild to raid/m+ in TWW. Area52, Horde, eastern time preferred. Have gotten aotc last few patches, usually push few bosses into mythic. I would love to get CE sometime. Looking for a fairly active guild, would love to have people to run dungeons and do stuff like achieves and treasure hunting with and not have to pug/beg all time. I am about to pull my hair out over people leaving after dungeon bosses lol. Also like to do some pvp, mostly for collecting achieves/mogs. Gûtling my character name.

< A.T.S > Apes Together Strong

Low drama, focused and stress-free raiding on US-Proudmoore

Founded amidst the anticipation of a new expansion with a collective vision of achieving greatness in raiding, A.T.S boasts a roster brimming with passionate and skilled players eager to push the boundaries of what’s possible!

We’re seeking like-minded individuals who are passionate about raiding and eager to contribute their skills to our collective success. Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a rising star looking to prove yourself, we welcome players who share our commitment to excellence and teamwork.

We are looking for players who:
1.Constantly look for areas of self-improvement are willing to accept and act on constructive feedback.
2.Want to be a part of a non-toxic raid environment.
3.Are able to commit to reliable attendance during our raid hours
4.Are willing to prioritize mechanics over parses are motivated to research fights through videos/logs/guild strat materials and come prepared

Our goal is clear: to tackle the highest content possible, while maintaining a balanced and enjoyable gaming experience/ Environment.

We are looking for all possible classes to start the New Expansion with a bang and see how far we go
Current Plan is to Raid 2 Nights a week

7pm-10pm PST
6hrs a week

If interested add Mally#1783 :slight_smile:

Hey Gutling,

We are a new guild of a group of former raiders with AOTC and Mythic progress for each tier. We’re actively recruiting for all roles. We have aspirations to reach the penultimate boss each tier going forward and are looking to build a community of like-minded individuals who have CE aspirations with a mindset of always striving to get better.

Schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday 7 - 10 PM CT.

We’re also looking to build a solid community to have around for pushing high M+ keys and overall having a chill environment for everyone to escape from reality to.

Previous tier AOTC is a requirement for all raiding applicants.

Come be a part of the fun and join the Altered Egos!

Contact Information:
Ionic - Lead Recruiter. BTag = drAgon#19480 /\ Discord = ionic4881

Hi there,

Dragonflight progression:

  • 9/9 Mythic Amirdrassil
  • 9/9 Mythic Aberrus
  • 8/8 Mythic Vault of the Incarnates

Death Jesters, a 18 year old raiding guild would love to have you apply! We’re an old-school guild that has been a robust and thriving community with our sister guild, Zeroes to Heroes.

We have always prided ourselves on being a very small, closely-bonded mythic guild. We have a long history of raiding and have achieved numerous server firsts and top rankings. Many of us have been raiding together since Molten Core or previous MMOs.

While nowhere as hardcore as we used to be, we are pursuing CE on a 2 day raid schedule for Dragonflight.

The team’s desire is to continue with securing CE for the remainder of Dragonflight. We’ve had the same leadership for 17 years with players that are multi-Hall of Fame, CE, and even those that are newer to mythic raiding.

We raid:

Fridays & Saturdays 11:00pm-2:00pm EST.

If you’re interested or looking for more information, feel free to message any Death Jester officer: Sparty (BattlenetID and Discord: sparty), Matticus (BattleNet ID: Matticus#1773 and Discord: worldofmatticus)

APPLY HERE: forms.gle/w8guAWConqGwGQZ1A

We are a past CE guild that’s been around since 2004 (Obsidian Spur - Thrall) achieving CE for multiple Tiers and Expansions. We took off for dragonflight and have now got the core back together to do a 1 night a week AOTC flex raid group for TWW and beyond. Last time we raided on a 2 night a week schedule we got mythic Jailer down with a top 1200 world kill.

Looking for players who want to tackle AOTC and are active in M+. Laid back raid environment looking to enjoy killing internet monsters with each other again.

Raid times - Wednesday 8:00pm-11:30pm EST

Discord : Naftywafty or Naftywafty#0850 if that doesn’t work.

Top Needs : Priest (Shadow or Shadow/Flex Healer

Check us out!
[Vivid] 2 Day Mythic Guild

Raid Days and Times

Friday 9pm-12a EST.

Sunday 9pm-12a EST.

About us

We are Vivid a guild comprised of close friends across multiple games including wow. Most of which have been gaming together since MOP. We clear AOTC every tier we have raided and then push mythic progression. We aren’t a fully dedicated CE guild but we do like to clear content and perform well.


First and foremost we respect each other’s time and lives. That means being on time for raid and ready to go. While real life happens and we understand we just ask a simple heads up so we can accommodate.

Players are to be up to date on class metas and come to raid prepared with relevant gear, enchants, potions, etc. We do aim to provide feast and flasks.

Adapt and overcome. Raiders should feel comfortable with their class and role and have the ability to adapt to change quickly and efficiently.

Above all else HAVE FUN! This isn’t a job and is NOT treated as one. We are a very laid back group that loves to joke around and talk smack!

Current recruiting needs

Any capable player will be considered regardless of needs.

HEALERS: Priest > Druid > evoker > everything else.

RANGED DPS: Druid > evoker > priest > hunter > everything else.

MELEE DPS: Rogue > DH > everything else.

How to apply

Use our discord link and fill out an application! Under the apply here tab.


Reach out to one of our officers on discord

Zick4short ( cap#6895 )

Moralz. ( moralz#9478 )

Zanaken ( zanaken#8112 )

Summit Gaming is coming back for future xpacks and end game content. We are looking for a good ranged dps and some solid healers to push mythic end game content, we are open to experienced raiders and officers to join our core, currently for some heals and ranged dps, melee spots open WW Monk, Havok dh both in high demand.

Raid times
Wednesday Thursday 730-1030 east:
Discord: Force9014
Bnet: Force#1405
Bnet: Grunkleg#1670
Bnet: Krispyish#1937

Hey there if youre still looking for a guild we would love to hear from you!!!

If this sounds like what youre searching for or have any questions feel free to contact me on discord. skyggedanz

We love piests! Even if blizzard…welllll…

Our guild is still recruiting for TWW. I have linked our current forum post so you ca see what we are all about. Out contact info is included ad the best way to reach me if you want to chat further is discord.

Feel free to give us a gander if your still looking :).

Polarity - US Thrall - Horde is currently recruiting Ranged DPS, a rogue, and Heals for Heroic Raiding and Mythic+ groups. We are currently 6/8N 1/8H NP. Raiding will commence on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8pm-11pm EST! Most of us are returning players from previous expansions, all with heroic raiding backgrounds. Accepting all toons, including alts who just want to hang out! Send a message or inquire in-game! Thank you! We Would be happy to have you join our ranks!

Bnet - DocXHoLLiday#1227
Discord - og_docxholliday3374

6/8H Guild that raids Tue/Wed from 5:30-9:30 PST guild has been together for years now if interested can add _.neonblade cord info