<The Killing Club> [Thrall-NA] 3/8 H NP LFM!

Who we are
The Killing Club is a freshly formed group of old and new friends alike. Our goals are to push mythic raid and m+ in a fun, 18+ team oriented environment. We are currently recruiting like minded individuals to join our raid. All roles are welcome for keys and most of us strive for 3k+ each season!

Raid times are Tues/Wed 9 -11:30 est

What we are looking for

Healer (able to play your dps spec too preferred!)

  • Monk
  • Pally


  • Mage
  • Priest
  • Hunter
  • Warlock

Any exceptional dps is encouraged to apply!

Contact us!

Discord info
rottingsoul_ -Raid lead
theli0nwar -Recruiter
skyggedanz -Recruiter