Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

They do need to disable Burn in pvp. The spread part… keep the 200sp. /wink =)

You actually said how could 8 eles get out 40 dots

Ive already explained that the burn rune with spread flame shock is odd and needs reworked. Remove the spread and increase power surge proc %. But its not OP as alliance makes it out to be.

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Do not increase power surge proc. No other class at the moment has their hardest hitting spell that is guaranteed a crit have a chance to be instant cast, and then a 50% chance to do an extra 50% damage.

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These people legit don’t even get how insane going up against 2 or 3 Ele Shamans is in a BG…let alone an entire team of Eles lol. This just goes to show how delusional/blind most Horde is to the PvP/BG scene right now.

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it literally is lmao, burn rune is exactly what people are complaining about with ele. “just cleanse it” is a non sequitur when you can reapply it faster than it can be removed

shamans quite literally spread more DoT damage to a team faster than shadow priests do

“Why are our queues dying?!?! Its because we are better at pvp and have the higher population!!!”

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Let me see a couple of times I have said “Ele in group fights are oppressive”. I dont know what else you want us to say… They aren’t OP and they surely arent at the level Enh was in phase 2.

You then go back to try and say ele is the worst 1v1 class which has to bearing on the current situation of sod.

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They’ve been literally carried in BGs for 2 entire phases now with Shamans being completely busted that they actually believe that they are simply winning because they are just good PvPers and every single Alliance player who queues is simply just a bad PvPer.

It’s wild the delusion they have at this point. They don’t even realize that most of the Horde people they play with in BGs and Ele Shamans they play with are probably Alliance rerollers who are carrying them on their fresh Ele Shaman.

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I said against Equally geared and skill players. They arent even in the top 5. Now, group combat they are top tier alongside Boomkins.

They would rather play a fotm class that makes them feel good, than have an enjoyable bg / queue experience that will see out the rest of sod.

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LMAO… ding, ding! the % of good alliance pvprs is like 10%. Go figure. I wonder what percentage you fall under. LOL


Really none of this would be a problem if paladins were changed to clerics


Which just inst true. And no, shamans are stronger than boomies. You dont vs shamans so you have 0 idea. Let me know the next time boomies are dotting 5 people with 1 global with a spell that is doing the most damage in a bg, all while offensively and defensively dispelling, casting freedoms and instant heals while topping damage.

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I wonder why you changed ur post and remove the Cata part… Horde are still queue for bgs though. LOL even winning some.

What’s hilarious though is if you go into the Cata Classic forums you have Horde crying about the imbalance right now of Human Racial. They don’t even understand it’s THE EXACT SAME THING…FACTIONAL IMBALANCE DUE TO A CLASS OR PVP RACIAL…MIGHT YOU KNOW…EFFECT PVP?!

They believe they are these god tier Classic PvPers now and it’s hilarious how delusional they really are. If Horde was so good at PvP then what is happening in the Classic Forums and PvP right now in Cata Classic must just be a fairy tale…a trick of the eyes.

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clerics would rofltstomp shadow priests 8days a week

lmao make a enh and go fight any good ranged class or a rogue. See how many malestrom procs you get when a rogue pushes evasion against you. You play hunter??? and you lose to enh??? lmao are you just standing still skeying while the shaman runs at you? Are you melee? is your passive 40% dodge chance not effective against enh?


I did to reply to the person…don’t worry, it’s still there sweet cheeks.