Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

Ah yes says the Horde who never fights 8 Ele Shamans in BGs…very insightful.

what’s 5x5 buddy? quick maffs

I have NEVER seen 8 Ele’s while running AB or WSG. More lies to try and make urself feel better. Keep spreading lies, its working.

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ah yes the old cleanse the flameshock that can be applied 5 times with 1 global. The way to counter this is to have all your priests / paladins do no damage or healing just dispel. Heres some quick maths, to dispel 5 flameshocks it takes 7.5 seconds of global. Whats the cooldown on flameshock?


Okay so whats your basis here? 8 shadow priests, 8 rogues, 8 boomkins ect will still dominate a bg? Its not just 8 shamans. These nerf shamans threads are getting old lol


Again…Horde who never SOLO QUEUES is telling ALLIANCE players what they ARENT fighting against…You need to just give up at this point.

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yo having a smoke and on my phone, but was D4ing, it’s actually decent in S4 and it only took them 1 year after release and 4 seasons

8 boomies / spriests / rogues arent getting 40 debuffs out in 1 global while topping damage with that single spell.


8 Ele Shamans as a zerg unit are absolutely unstoppable to deal with in Solo queue situations. Horde doesn’t even need to group for most BGs and you run into 8 Ele Shamans as Alliance since EVERY SINGLE PLAYER RIGHT NOW EITHER HAS A SHAMAN, IS GEARING A SHAMAN, OR MAINS A SHAMAN.

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Hes also forgetting both factions have access to those classes so it evens out. This guy is just another brain dead ele

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See, Stop Boomkins are still pretty damn high on the damage in bgs. Or what let me guess just like Locks, Mages they dont queue cause they can’t stand a chance against Shaman’s… In a group battle.

Just imagine the rage 8 Spriests would have against 8 Ele Shamans LOL. They would literally have every DoT cleansed instantly over and over with totems and never get damage while the entire time the Ele Shamans are just one tapping them.

Why would they get 40 debuffs when they’re just dead from shadow priest dots, rogues stuns, or boomkins burst? Again, you guys are complaining about shaman in GROUP setting when any other class can basically do the same. Their burst comes from random procs. Also, Ive never seen that many shamans in a bg EVER. Lol

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Dude I don’t think you understand…BGs ARE DEAD ON ALLIANCE. NO ONE IS QUEUING…legit I’m pretty sure Blizzard has coded bots at this point to make it seem like Horde have players to fight and to make sure BGs still actually pop for Horde. Legit no Alliance queues BGs anymore.

Why would a Shaman EVER die to Spriest dots? The MAIN damaging DoT (Void Plague) is INSTANTLY cleansed by a SPAMMABLE TOTEM. Oh did I mention…IT AOE CLEANSES LOL

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Because they can get 1 global out and put out 40 dots. That do more damage over a bg than any other spell currently. You can spam dispel but youll never keep up.

You’re missing the point. Im saying any of those said classes in a group can mow down the opposition. Not saying vs a shaman. Its not just a shaman thing.

Yeah but heres the kicker. Both factions have access to those classes. You only feel they are the strongest because you dont vs shamans in BGs.

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2 ele shaman spread flameshock to potentially 10 people. if not 10 people around, at least a few of the people are getting multiple applications of flameshock. cleanse removes 1 application per 1 person per GCD.

one ele shaman hits 5 people with a spell that has a 5% chance on damage to make lava burst instant cast. what’s 5 times 5? surely you know basic math

And YOU’RE missing the point…Alliance doesn’t run into 8 stacks of ANY of those classes EXCEPT Shamans. Like what aren’t you getting about this? Shaman has become so BROKEN compared to every other class that EVERY SINGLE HORDE IS QUEUING A SHAMAN TO A) GEAR THEM, B) ONE SHOT FUN, OR C) THEY WERE ALLIANCE AND ROLLED SHAMAN HORDE…Like how is that so difficult to get? Shamans are far and above the MOST popular class right now in SoD…especially in BGs.

One of the main draws is that you can legit 1 shot anyone with little to no gear, so you don’t even need to have decent gear to feel insane. This is why so many people are gearing/leveling Shamans right now.

It is MUCH more common for Alliance to run into 8 RANDOM Solo queuing Shamans right now because of SO MANY SHAMANS QUEUING