Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

With the current gear Spriests are actually putting up a fight vs rogue 1v1 and thats saying A LOT considering rogues are literal gods at 1v1 and world ganks.

you know it’s coming


Priests just got some crazy heals and damage. Like they’ve all got penance and its practically a 2 tic 100% heal.

Shamans Just got some crazy heals and damage. Like they’ve all got riptide and its practically a press one button be healed.



  1. apply dots
  2. use sprint pot
  3. spam SW:D while in PW:S
  • possible opening for mind spikes
  • also possible to use mind blast while they’re feared
  1. if you fail these three steps somehow, use dispersion
  2. repeat step 1

Riptides doing 500 on cast and 500 over the duration so its like boomy heals as its practically non existent in sods dmg.

Spriest is the most Broken thing I have seen since Rogue (SOD) and Season 5 Death knights


You dont 1v1 in BGs though. This is low IQ thinking from a shaman main. Its not just the damage that makes shamans strong.


you better watch out or he’s gonna tell you you’re bad at PVP and then say he’s going to link his wrath achievements, and then ghost the thread


While he hops on his alliance rogue he definitely fights shamans on


Shamans HAVE to cast. On the rare occasion they get the auto proc then your boned sure.

EASY to shut down, in fact probably THE easiest class in sod TO shut down… Or i should say spec. Short range on Flame shock is gross with all the 40 yard casters.

Its like boomy was before the unjustified nerfs. If you stand around like a potato letting them free cast you will die, a lot. If you’re coordinating with your team then you can shut them down depending on your comp that is.

But yes in rando bgs were 50% or more of the team are potatos that don’t know what cleanse is then its going to be a bad time.

Most OP rn is 100)% Spriest anyone who disagrees should not get an opinion about pvp ever again.

Then probably a well played lock followed by rogue

The rest are all fairly equal in terms of viability. Most can be countered.

Let me clarify for the awful pvp’rs commenting here that have NO clue how pvp actually works.

IF a spriest OPENS on you right now YOU DIE
IF a rogue opens on you right now YOU DIE

There is no counter play to these classes right now. 5 minute trinkets are awful.

Ele sham can be kicked, Spell push back, CLEANSED fairly easy. Lots of counter play.
If you touch a boomy they die, outside of frenzy regen.
Mages flop
Warriors flop
ect… ect…

Being stupid OP in Sod means there is VERY little counter play. Spriest and rogues are bonkers broken Rn


any warlocks on here care to weigh in? this guy thinks your class is stronger than both shaman dps specs in pvp

Lock is better than shaman ATM as they have less counter play. You can shut an ele shaman down 100x easier than stopping a really good lock.

The issue is there are no really good locks atm. 60 locks are going to be nutty. It won’t matter though if they don’t fix spriest and rogue

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you are literally a meme personified until you show the proof of your achievements, rank 14 rogue, and/or level 50 alliance SoD rogue, that YOU offered up and didn’t produce. impossible to take anything you say seriously

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We don’t sit around linking achieves for every scrub on the forums. That is literally ALL i would be doing if I linked a bunch of stuff across 4 expansions every time some pve nub cried and stomped his feet demanding it.

All of the OG classic pvp’rs and Some streamers are in a discoord. We discuss pvp almost daily. I share an opinion with the majority about the classes I just talked about.

You’re a ret rot brained player that can’t figure out how to cleanse.

Jump on whitemane ally if you want to see my rogue
Stop replying, i see you typing. You’re a lower tier pve kid trying to be relevant in pvp… Bro relax… You play ret

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homie you’re the one who offered lmao. multiple times. and then ran away with your tail between your legs when I said “yes”


I did not offer you anything, i said i’ll log into whitemane on my rogue that is about as far as I will go for a rando on these forums

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Again you are looking at this as 1v1s. No wonder your only achieve is getting carried through BGs to rank.

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No sir, most of my posts have been about bgs for sod.

1v1 strictly speaking Rogue is undefeated

Again, if you played alliance in BGs you would know nothing opresses your team like an ele shaman or 2. Sure spriest are rough, but they arent as rough as shamans.


I play Alliance bgs I know how easy Ele is to shut down. The ONLY time I win bgs as alliance is when we premade and talk… Spriest are S tier, GOD TIER. Ele sham is B tier. They would be A tier if they had spell push back help. A single hunter can stop an ele sham in a team fight alliance is just SUPER bad. I do agree though Shaman is better than paladins.

No opinions about classes being buffed or nerfed should EVER be taken seriously when its people speaking about RANDOM bgs. 99.9% of the crying and screaming and complaining on the forums is about random bgs. It is the entire reason they don’t come here and read and take ANY pvp feedback from here.

The balance needs to happen around competitive bgs with coordination.

If you’re trying to bg as alliance you will need to premade and use discoord. Ally is just really really bad in SOD for some reason which is weird because we dominated in SOM and classic 2019