Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

Troll Rogue, fighting Horde Ele Shaman in BGs…How do you do this?

And I swear if you even mention the garbage heap that is STV I will ridicule you so badly you’ll never want to login again.

Did he say bgs? He specifically said ele beats any class in 1v1. I duel eles all the time. Easy gold.

Ok shaman hahaha

Careful… BGs to them is a 1v1, not a group fight. LOL

Duels…did you actually just say Duels and use that as a basis for why Ele isn’t OP? A duel as in you start in stealth, get the best opener possible with full CDs and clap a caster?

You know whats funny…an Ele will clap you without CDs…since they don’t need CDs to clap you.

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SoD pvp is utterly cooked for sure.

inb4 p4 brings bloodlust and spirit wolves, mindgames and MD for spriest, and convoke the spirits for boomies to further solidify the meme that is SoD pvp.

bloodlust and spirit wolves will be able to be picked up on both free slots however

I want lightning lasso so bad.

LOL yo if they bring Bloodlust to Horde in P4 Alliance won’t even be PvEing anymore.

They’d probaby add like some improved Bloodlust Rune. “Increase haste+AP of all party members by 30% on a 1 minute CD”.

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You have to understand, shamans will say the lowest IQ things to try and defend their class

Shamans cant be op because my name is Notop. So if thats my name how could it be true?


I mean they’ve been doing it since Phase 2. It’s nothing new.

Holy crap, you’re right. I actually think you’ve completely changed my mind about Shamans. You have opened my eyes Notop, I will forever be greatful.

don’t worry dude paladins will get 2 new runes that buff exorcism by 2% and 3% respectively for a massive 5% increase in exorcism damage. can’t let the alliance fall too behind.



Paladins would probably get a Rune that actually prevents Paladins from attacking in bubble.

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lmao, that is nonsense. rank 1 chain heal and no head rune.

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you make a very compelling case

I mean ele is a group setting is fine. Sure the burn rune spreading flame shock is a little odd, and could be reworked. But complaining about them fishing for a 5% proc is sad. Ele is fine. Alliance just don’t know how to cleanse or lock down a shaman. Pretty sad really. Lol


Health pools were much lower at 40. Also yes of course it didn’t FULL heal me and my entire 5 man Squad…but you know what did 100% full heal me everytime guarenteed? Healing Wave Maelstrom procs. It was a complete joke…also Chain heal did heal me for like 40% of my HP on proc, but it wasn’t as efficient as just popping instant Healing Wave.

Hey Light… Im lv82 still in Vashir. Where you at? lol

Any class will clap a rogue without cds lol. Whats your point?

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