Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

“YO NOTHING WOULD MAKE ME HAPPIER THAN FIGHTING SHAMANS ON MY SHAMAN TO SHOW YOU ALL HOW NOT OP SHAMAN IS”…you literally just said this? I am baffled by your complete lack of brain function.

Bro, you need to a break from SOD. I hope you are getting it. Look at my post I have said Ele’s are oppressive in group battles… but far from Ehn level op.

I have other toons I can play and have NO problems with shamans if alliance got them.

Yea and at this point it’s basically in the gutter too. I don’t think many Alliance are going to be coming back for phase 4. Most Alliance made Horde characters anyways at this point…like what do Alliance have going for them to come back too? Paladin? LOL

Im so glad my guild decided to play horde for SOD. I dont think I could’ve taken all this QQ’n. LOL

Deflection, complete deflection of the point I just made to you. If you don’t see the stupidity of your own statement then I can’t help you.

“Yo I can beat Ele Shamans…on my Ele Shaman no problem”

Do you not understand where you fail to provide any sort of logical argument to back up your claim that Ele isn’t OP when you say things like this?

You are added stuff just to make urself feel better. Nothing anyone can say outside of agreeing with you will make you happy. I hope you have a good night sleep though. Dont let those Shaman’s invade ur dreams.

All I am saying is I would love to fight against Ele’s on the alliance side. I personally wouldn’t care one bit if Alliance got them.

It’s funny though with a statement like this…number 1 you will say this (even though you probably would pitch a fit) because you know Blizzard would NEVER do this.

Number 2 you will say this because you know as well as most of us do that SoD at this point is completely dead. You might not want to admit that, but PvP wise? SoD is canned.

This is why you feel confident making a statement like this, but guess what? It’s 2 Phases too late. You feel like you can come at the argument now with this kind of energy basically on the death bed of SoD since you know it’ll never happen.

Kind of cowardly if you ask me. At least stick to your guns and go full ape mongo about Horde Shaman needing to stay Horde.

No…I just simplified your useless statement even simpler for the other Horde Shaman brains in the forum if they are reading this.

Once again adding stuff to make urself feel better.

I’m glad I picked Ele shaman since day one. I sat my shaman down for all phase 1, phase 2 started off boring and I was on the verge of switching toons. Till Decoy and Totemic Projection totems came out. Now, Ele was fun again.

I never ONCE played Enh and didnt have 1 melee rune will phase 3 when I finally wanted to have all my runes. I’m far from FOTM.

What is this delusion? Elemental wins 1v1 vs any class easily.

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Thing that sucks the most, for the people that actually like BGing the game wont even recover from the amount of players that have left. Sure BGs may pick up next phase, but it will never be what could have been.

People would rather play a fotm class and let the game die well before final phases are released than have a fun enjoyable experience for everyone. Played all iterations of classic and PVP has never crumbled this fast.

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My boy Zumer. How you doing? =)

All he did was say “Any Class > Ele”…and just repeated that multiple times for basically every class in WoW.

I bet this alliance in hiding Orc Hunter watches youtube videos and jumps on the hate shaman bandwagon. lol

Or tell us where the big ol’ bad shaman touched you in STV? LOL

I actually don’t think BGs for Alliance will pick up at all. Premades might for the first like 2 week until people hit Rank 14 then any Alliance that was interested in Rank 14 gear will just stop queuing because A) It’s never fun to constantly run premades, and B) Fighting 7-8 Shamans every single BG as a solo queue will get extremely boring.

I doubt SoD PvP in Phase 4 will make it more than 2 weeks max. I feel like it never really recovered after Phase 2 honestly with how disgusting Enhancement was. Most Alliance either rerolled after zero nerfs happened to Enhancement or they simply just stopped BGing all together and raid logged instead.

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Pretty low IQ not to be able to take opinions other than your own


You have absolutely nothing of value to add to this discussion anymore. You’re dismissed peon.

Yeah exactly, was looking forward to playing horde and alliance alts after the mains rank 14 grind. But i think PVP will be dead by that stage, or atleast the horde queue times will be so long it wont be enjoyable.

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Definitely cap. I stomp ele 1v1 all day

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He literally responds with garbage like that and makes ZERO points at all. This has been the case with every response he’s made so far.

It’s like he wants to “gotcha” so badly but he doesn’t have the ammunition for it since he knows as well as everyone else that Shaman is absolutely broken and has been for 2 phases now.

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