Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

Enhance was GOD Tier is Phase 2…and it’s still GOD tier in Phase 3. They just fall into the same category that all Melee fall into which is they can still be kited (somewhat). An Enhancement Shaman will NEVER lose to any melee as it currently stands. They are so far and above beyond a normal melee class damage wise, defensives, healing (hello instant Maelstroms for like 90% of your HP).

Shamans have nothing to stand on currently when trying to defend how busted they’ve been for like 4 straight months of SoD now lol. I really wish they would bring their damage back to like early Phase 1 damage at this point.

Just make them super tanky but remove all semblance of damage from Shamans.

If you actually think thats the case you are just bad at ele brother. Stick to shaman because you would get gutter stomped playing any other class

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You are beyond stupid. I will never listen to anything that comes out ur mouth.

You just saying Class > Ele isn’t saying ANYTHING at all LOL…you’re acting like you made some profound point here…which you didn’t…like at all.

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I dont see nerf warrior threads popping up brother. You are the one going against the grain and calling others stupid. Ironic


The go down class by class and tell us how Ele beat them. I can type out long post but why if you know anything about pvp you know how classes can beat each other.

cast flameshock, use a freedom totem. Kite and fish for procs.

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The only thing OP about Ele’s is the Burn rune.

You are literally stating ways Shaman just insantly one shot people…and guess what…Overload procs??? COMMON…POWER SURGE??? ALSO COMMON.

You’re legit acting like this is some difficult feat to get random instant kills as an Ele dude…it’s not at all. Like there is zero skill involved in just one shotting with an overload/power surge.

By you just coming up with MULTIPLE scenarios where Shamans simply just delete EVERY class out of existence proves right there that Shamans are busted dude.

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LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, you are hilarious.

Someone this braindead has to actually believe their class is balanced

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Dude they legit just gave you a method for Shamans to completely destroy any class…and this is all you have to say? This is why no one takes Horde Shamans seriously anymore.

You all have drank so much of the broken OP sauce that you’re delusional af.

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Whatever… I really, really hope Alliance get Shamans. So, ya’ll can go on and cry about racials next.

No…I hope Shamans are completely gutted to Phase 1 levels of damage…nothing else will fix SoD but this. Simple as that.

Like go back to make believe tanks LOL

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Oh, please… post on ur alliance character scrub.

At this point the only that will help alliance is getting shamans.

agree with you there, or mix faction BGs. Allowing 1 side to have the highest damage dealer and best utility in a BG for 2 phases is what has killed SoD PVP.

Nothing would make me happier then owning Alliance Shamans of any spec. Not even killing rogues.

You already said you struggle against warriors, so i dont think that will be happening

Right now Horde have the most BROKEN class as well as busted PvP racials…the racials are whatever (even though Blizzard is bending over for Horde players and giving the cry baby Horde the only good Alliance Racial in PvE)

…but having a FACTIONAL Class that is so above and beyond any other class for 4 months now with ZERO changes has basically already killed SoD. This is legit why no one is queuing as Alliance anymore. Most people have already thrown in the towel on SoD or just rerolled Horde.

SoD will just end at Phase 3 if it keeps going like this…which is probably will since Classic devs have just buffed Shamans to the point of no return with zero communication of balancing them back down to earth.

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I never said I struggle… I use consumables and Engineering for an advantage. But w/o them. Yes, a good warrior would reck a Ele that doesnt get any procs. But, let me kite him and fish for it. Right? lol