Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

Only thing that needs balancing is Burn rune. Just make it only work in PvE. I would be ok with just the SP buff. =)



nah see itā€™s different when you tell him to cleanse shadow priest dots VS him telling you to cleanse flame shock on 5 people every 6 seconds


If you queued as alliance like you said youd know its instant?

ā€œIts my opinion that i share with all the really good pvpers on a discordā€

Im on a discord with arena tournament winners who say ele and enhance shamans are bustedā€¦ trust me bro


log into whitemane bro Iā€™ll show u I swear bro plz

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shadow priests are not crazy. its only because people arent cleansing or removing their dots. aside from that their damage is half of what locks and shamans are doing. as far as 1v1 situations, people need to stop balancing everything around that but they do get some really strong 1v1 cooldowns like dispersion and psychic scream/pets but then again horde is immune to CCs so i shouldnt be hearing them cry about psychic scream

Youā€™re actually on crack if you think this is even remotely accurate. Nothing currently beats Enhancement Shamanā€¦nothing even beats Ele. Itā€™s literally been this way for 2 phases now lol. Iā€™m pretty sure Blizzard has even BUFFED both of them during this phaseā€¦itā€™s wild.

Itā€™s almost like you all literally forget about Maelstrom healingā€¦like what? My Shaman before quitting was literally full healing off instant Maelstrom procs. You can even full heal party members with Chain heal instant procsā€¦Shaman in general is absolutely busted af lol.

this dude mains enhancement shaman and hides behind his era character, there is no reasoning with him


I swear, people in this thread acting like Blizzard doing nothing to nerf Shaman damage over 2 phases now and giving absolute bias to Horde in all aspects of the game didnā€™t completely GUT SoD and basically kill it off.

SoD was already dieing at the end of Phase 2 when Blizzard announced their plans to share all Human racial with Horde so that Horde could also have the top PvE racial as well as PvP racials. And yet Blizz STILL managed to buff Shaman even more in Phase 3 with zero changes to them.

You people legit donā€™t understand yet that itā€™s not because of Horde just running straight premades is the reason why queues are deadā€¦the entire SoD game is dead because of decisions Blizzard made to completely buff and scale a FACTION SPECIFIC class out of control.

Queues are dead because most Alliance by now have quit or rerolled Horde as a Shaman. It gets tiring going against 8 Shamans every single BG with zero variety to fight. PvP just isnā€™t that much fun anymore since Blizzard refuses to change Shaman.

in what world is chain heal doing anything but sucking in pvp

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Back at the end of P2 my chain heal was literally healing for more than most peoples health bars off maelstrom procs.

Op is a shaman player posting on an era alt.


Dont worry they will tell you this is the timeline of every classic server. While sitting in hour + queues before AV is released. Remember when people used to BG on alts once they were done with their main? Impossible to do at the moment.

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Absolutely cap. This is the most hilarious lie Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s not even remotely believable.


The sheer delusional thinking most of these Horde Shamans have is astounding. Just when I think they canā€™t get anymore brain deadā€¦they go and make posts like this.


bro he says he plays an alliance rogue on SoD lmao. he has yet to post on that character but was like ā€œIā€™LL SHOW U MY WRATH PVP EXPā€ like ??? never asked, but I was like ā€œsureā€ and then he disappeared. several times this happened, until in this thread he goes ā€œGET ON WHITEMANE Iā€™LL SHOW YOUā€ like dude, I donā€™t care about any of that. I wanna see the alliance character you fight shamans with in SoD


The guy tried to bs is way through an argument and make up facts to prove his low IQ take on Shamansā€¦then when he got called out to actually go and post on his Alliance he tucked tail and ran.

This is some gas lighting garbage if Iā€™ve ever seen it lol. This entire post is basically one giant gas lightning to try and remove attention from Shamansā€¦

Which is absolutely wildā€¦I donā€™t even know why Shaman players feel the need to defend the class anymore. Itā€™s obvious Blizzard wonā€™t be nerfing Shamans at all in the foreseeable future.


You can tell he doesnt play alliance purely based on the fact he constantly says how suppressive spriests are because he hasnt actually vsed shamans in BGs. He then compares enhance to range classes not realising all melee are facing the same problems and enhance come out on top of melee.

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Lets go down the class lineā€¦ This is equally geared and skilled players. Not ur dumb down video keyboard turning, might as well be bots players.

Warrior > Ele
Rogue > Ele
Hunter > Ele
Lock with Fel Hunter > Ele (any other pet and ele has a chance) But CoT is a ā€œI win spellā€.
Mages (well they just plain suck, but if Frost was good all it really takes is one good shatter). I beat a lot of ele while playing Mage.
Boomkin / Ele (this is a who gets more procs fight, Ele might come out on top)
SP > Ele
Ret > Ele (An Ele will have to kill them at least twice).

Now, granted anyone of those fights can be over fast if the shaman procs overload, power surges. But good luck getting any hard casts off.

Yes, Eleā€™s are oppressive in group fights and the main reason is the Burn rune. Just change it to not be usable in PvP. Power Surge doesnt proc enoughā€¦ I believe its a 5% change in retail its 20%. Give us like 15% and Iā€™ll be happy. =)