Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

I’d just settle for the alliance rogue that you fight SoD shamans on though :slight_smile:

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You’re now muted as I have literally said about 5x now login and i’ll show you. Stop trolling you’re literally ignoring what you’re asking for as some “cute” trolling.

because I really don’t care about your whitemane toon lmao I want to see your SoD rogue that makes fighting shaman so easy


Ally is really really bad in sod but we dominated in classic / som.

Hmm i wonder why that would be? Its almost as if they have changed a class that only horde can play that make BGs unplayable. Nah surely not. Everyone else is just bad!

How do you shut down 2 ele shamans that can instantly dot up 10 people with 1 global each, which will do more damage than any other spell in the BG?


just cleanse 10 people before 6 seconds goes by 4head



Logic isnt this guys strong point. I guess queueing 16hours a day for ranking rots the brain.


You do realize that Ele shamans were BUSTED op in OG classic right at level 60 right? I am starting to wonder if you guys even played OG classic or 2019…

The difference is SOD is giving lvl 25s 40s and 50s gear that is 30x better than what we had pre 60. Even at level 60 in classic you barely had ANY spell power at all.

So now every single shaman is running around with 200+ spell power at 50. The same goes with Spriests and locks.

Its not the classes because for the most part the same classes are dominant that were before but now you have more ways to deal with said classes.

Some classes got bonkers OP broken like SPriest and Rogue and other classes just got their Gear WAY earlier and WAY easier like Ele sham.

It’s going to get A LOT worse at 60 unless they push the damage reduction up to 35%. I say this because its blatantly obvious they DO NOT or Cannot balance pvp or classes.

So because they were busted in OG it means they should remain busted? If thats the case shouldnt the bad specs stay bad? Like enhance / feral / ret ect ect.

Even when they were busted alliance didnt have a 10% win percentage. Queues / BGs never died out this fast. As a fellow pvper i would of thought youd want BGs to be great again.

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No they were good in classic so OFC theyre going to get better with GEAR much much earlier and retail abilities on top of that…

I disagree with you on enhance. I think enhance is B tier, its really good vs melee cept rogues but its mongo easy to kite and kill.

They need to buff Feral but first they need to understand why feral is bad. They seem to do the opposite of player feedback so I don’t expect 60 pvp to be any better.

I don’t lose bgs like you guys as alliance because we premade and get into discoord and have a good time while cordinated/rotating ccs and what not. I am sitting at pretty close to 50/50

Random bgs? Yea thats a sht show for sure

So your way to make alliance go 50% winrate is to run premades. While horde who queue up as 5 are winning 90%. You see how currently there is something unbalanced happening? Youve said it twice now. Enh are the strongest melee in BGs. Rogues are good, but garbo in team fights. You give 1 faction the strongest range / melee and it leads to 1 wsg and 1 ab game during the week.

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Horde is winning so much because they ONLY que premades because otherwise they have a 45 minute que timer.

No i didn’t say rogues were garbo lol. I did not say enhance was the strongest melee in bgs. Enhance is strong vs melee, that is it. They get kited and murdered to all casters.

Rogue can solo cap on ab easily. They can also return flags like no other class.

You guys not understanding how broken rogue is and how its fixing to get way worse like ungodly amounts of stupid at 60 are in for a treat.

Sorry i cbf with quoting and stuff. I was talking about you proving everyones point by saying you run premades and only win 50% of the time. While horde win 90% without needing to premade / hop on discord. You also said alliance used to stomp in era / som. Win %s have never been this bad for alliance, its almost as if there is a balance issue. But shaman mains would never admit that.

If you go through my posts ive never said nerf them. Just need to figure a way to get BGs enjoyable for everyone again.


No your issue is reading comprehension.

50/50 is a good win rate premade vs premade… You understand that were premading as ally but were queing into 99% premades… You get that yea?

Horde wins (according to you) 90% of their games… Yea thats PREMADE vs RANDOM ally. But premade horde is ALWAYS going to beat random teams just as Premade ally STOMPS random horde on the very rare occasion its not a premade.

Our win rate is actually higher than 50% but I didn’t want 100 people to come @ me

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Ok so theres 1 bg up in each BG. Where exactly are these premade vs premade games you are qing? If BGs were healthy there would be more people playing them.


He’s not exactly wrong.

Enhance is a melee, melee are all food.

Ele, otoh, does have limitations that he mentions, specifically the 20 yard flame shock which is a casting range you never want to be at. It’s worth pointing out that warlock doesn’t have those range limitations.

That being said, ele does still have lightning bolt into chain lightning at 36 yards, much as they did in og vanilla, and that alone still absolutely slaps in Sod with their rune that let’s it overload.

Warlock on the other hand would need to multi dot as deep affliction, dot and then nuke as nf/ruin, or get a more complicated setup as deep destro (namely they need to hard cast chaos bolt to immolate to conflag either with Demonic grace active, or with incinerate active…) Whereas ele can just lightning bolt to chain lightning and clap people with procs. The reality is, there isn’t a whole lot that people can do to stop a dps caster that’s in the 31-36 yard range window and ele will be significantly easier to do well on in Sod for the average player.

Tldr ele stronger on average… And will still be easier to be more effective damage wise, while playing at higher skill levels. That being said, the lock overall toolkit is imo better: better control, better utility, higher skill cap, and a better “killer”, while being less tied to rng procs for success.

Edit he’s definitely not wrong about most warlocks being terrible though… Metamorph rune brought a lot of new locks in, but most of them have zero concept of ccing/peeling, how to set up burst combinations, and/or literally ANY REMOTE CONCEPT of range control.

You realise flameshock is currently doing most shamans damage? BGs arent 1v1s. Its fishing for procs then doing a burst combo. Shaman can out DPS a warlock while healing its team if it chooses. Then 2 hit a player with a proc. Not to mention the utility. Horde only seem to think about the damage aspect because they dont vs shamans.


it heals the same as a non overload healing wave in p3 lmao


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? I feel like you’re maybe slow? I don’t want to offend you, sincerely. SOD is dead right now, I was speaking in general. The pop is super low right now because they have no idea what to do. The fixes are easy and very simple and blizz can’t do anything simple.

If you’re trying to bg right now I feel for you. The que times must be pretty high even with premade.

It is my opinion that I share with the vast majority of really good pvp’rs in the OG discoord. I understand people have their own opinions but it would appear that everyone that likes the 1 shot 1 button dps meta is terrible at pvp.

ELE is good. Most classes/specs ARE good. Some are just bonkers busted like Spriest, but ele is not busted like Spriest. It is strong in random bgs where nobody looks at you, kicks you, cleanses your flame or puts a pet/hunter on you. If they allow you to free cast then you’re going to do some serious damage. That is how pvp is supposed to work. There ARE ways to shut ele down.

We have one in DC that is really good and it shows how nasty they’re going to be at 60 in the right hands. But the majority of locks you see running around are bad at pvp in general let alone pvping on lock. I would guess most of the sod locks are new to lock because it was a fotm re roll for a min.

Shamans trying to throw spriests under the bus to avoid well deserved balancing. SAD.

Not a good look shamans. Not a good look at all.