Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

I did NOT call for enhance buffs
I did say rogues need to be nerfed.

This is a learn to read issue and a learn to pvp issue for you gents.

Enhance already gets wrecked by any ranged. They’re good into melee.

Ele gets wrecked my melee, they’re good into ranged.

AGAIN… This is for people who are actually good at pvp. If you’re on a rogue and an ele shaman is ruining your life in wow then you need to re roll

See how you keep looking at this like a 1v1 situation, if a melee jumps on an ele in the middle of a range stack they are dead. I dont think you are quite grasping what people are saying in regards to shamans being OP. Its clear you dont vs them in BGs and have no actual understanding of what is happening.

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then why are you chirping like you know something? :wink:

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This is anybody you guys think ele is the only class doing that kind of dmg lol

ANY Caster thats allowed to free range in a rando bg with terrible pvp’rs like Light will blow your doors off.

hunter and lock

literally all of em can do same thing

Again LEARN how to pvp as a team with a team and coordinate strats

You can’t solo que with other bads then cry because an ele is killing everyone. I do this on my rogue as well. Literally destroying people in groups because nobody pays attention anymore

Sod has created ROT brain zug zug 1 button smash dps players

Kill totem - via wand… silence and nearly one shot. Yea the spriest way. I have a spriest that is bis, and yes it’s not really close. Tangiest class in the game, heals 2 donts for massive damage, silence, fear , pets, disperse , shield - it’s really kinda boring there is no mana management or skill, add in engineering with a stun in top of black out procs…. Gg only counter is a equally OP rogue really and that is rng on black out.

Yes you can shut eles down its not hard these kids are just not good

Spriest is actually tough to take down. Their damage is bonkers and its all instants.

Yup have one, it’s broke. Got bored and quit honestly. I login sometimes to troll on my rogue a bit too, just as broke really. Sad because shaman was really a hard counter before. Shamans in groups though are nuts …

My cleric FriarTuck and his 3 paladin friends (I call them Tuckie’s Angels), absolutely MELT shaman. Idk what you xiuys are talking about

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this is literally the point of contention though, flame shock spreading to the entire team in one global from 2 ele sham is broken as hell and this chud is in here claiming it’s not. then tells everyone they’re bad and makes wild claims about toons he ain’t posting on while telling everyone they suck for having valid complaints.

I’m not claiming to be something I’m not, I’m not a glad level player, but homie can peep this toons 2k xp if he wants. I mostly play 2s in retail when I do with a friend who mains shadow priest, double DPS is rough these days. Ele shaman in BGs are absolutely BROKEN

burn rune needs nerf. I am fine with burst. I’m not fine with blasting the entire team in one global, that’s broken.

stopped reading at “chud”

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woah did you change your avatar pic?

boomy is the scariest on that list with free cast. their rotation is just ridiculous for pvp

honestly based

I have ascended under the tutelage of Downleft

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It looks very clericy, i approve


Boomie does big dmg for sure.

to one guy. Ele does way more spread pressure.

pressure is easier to heal than surged starfire crits

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Now that clerics have been confirmed for Classic Mythic +, what races should be allowed to be clerics?

fair, but have you tried playing whack a mole with removing flame shock from 2 ele sham blasting a whole team and flinging spicy meatballs?

gnomes and trolls