Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

right on schedule :sunglasses:

maybe he did actually mute me like a real pvper

Brah youve already forgotten about the people on your server coming to flame you. You main a rogue but only cry about enhance weapons and only defend enhance while saying rogues are OP. We all dont have as low IQ / as gullible as you.


Rogues are only good in solo pvp. They’re overall not a net positive in group pvp. Elemental shaman, balance druid, and shadow priest are the strongest classes in both solo and group content by far in that order. There is a massive powergap between them and the rest of the specs.

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Alright, just got off the phone with Aggrend. Clerics are being added as a new hero class transformation for paladins. To unlock this transformation, paladins must beat a shaman and shadow priest 2v1 in a bg. Good luck young light wielders!


one cannot mute the light

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truly an achievement worthy of a hero class

Upwrong just unlocked it

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If you had to unlock a rune by moving in two directions, which directions would you pick?

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I would move in the light the way Grand Marshal Perpendiculardiagonal does

You are one of the few good paladins. Capable of killing a shaman for sure, unlike some older generation gnome mages

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Remember, as yoda said “Do or do not, there is no kek”

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Are you trolling? Rogue is very viable in group pvp with their insane damage & CC capabilities. What planet are you on?

you dont take penance as shadow…

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The fact that rogues in WoW classic can win most fights and “that’s just how it is” is a bit messed up from a balance perspective.

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Rogue and Shadow Priest 2v1 cannot stand to the might of a cleric named NorthEast

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This is factually untrue. If you’re going to throw a tantrum at least do some background work.

I have said ALL PVP’rs need to be able to obtain weapons THROUGH PVP, period. I have said this since 2019 for classics re release.

I have also stated Feral needs more buffs then any other class in pvp. I called for boomkin buffs after they got nerfed into the ground.

I said enhance is ONE OF the classes that got shafted in BM because they got a 2 hand weapon that nobody uses.

I main rogue. There is a VERY good dagger for pvp from blood moon and I think every single class/spec should have access to pvp weapons ON PAR with the current raid tier.

You have been here trolling and or ignorantly replying for all of 3 days. Don’t come @ someone if you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.

Another bad pvp take… LoL Yea rogues stealth mechanics with their plethora of stuns/ccs and re openers and GODLY burst is not a net positive in bgs.

This could be the dumbest thing I have ever read on these forums and that is saying a lot lol…


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whao good thing both ally and horde can have Spriest
you know what class is only on horde right now and is the second most op caster in the game?
inb4 "no that’s boomie because I ignore the 4 free smart casting totems that can be moved 30 yards away in 1 GCD while getting overcharge procs with my FS i can put on 5 people in 1 GCD

in a BG, ele sham isn’t second

damn bro, you need a shower, i know a class that has a Shower spell…

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Yep you main rogue but call for rogue nerfs and enhance buffs. We arent all as gullible as you brother