Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

Ahh so human and dwarf paladins would commit seppuku and resurrect as a gnome cleric. i like it

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Would you rather have a rogue or another shaman/boomie/spriest?

This this how you know someone is bad in pvp and needs to be muted anytime they make comments about pvp. Youā€™re in here crying about ELE being op and your talking about ā€œFlame shocksā€ damage LOL

You cannot make this stuff up gesus its a comical read on these forums daily.

Thank you for the laughs sir.

  1. what do you think eleā€™s top damage in a BG is? itā€™s not lava burst
  1. Iā€™m not saying flame shock is bursting people down, itā€™s a lot of spread pressure that can do a nice bit of damage on the initial cast, that also leads to

  2. MORE CHANCES FOR POWER SURGE PROCS FOR INSTANT LB. GEE I wonder why it spreading to the whole team in 1 global is an issue???

  3. youā€™re dumb af and your only rebuttal is ā€œur badā€ every time, one of us ainā€™t hiding behind an era toon :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:.


The guy that claims he knows everything about PVP doesnt actually understand whats going on. Ironic.


So wtf is your complaint exactly if its not ā€œflame shockā€ are you on the forums crying just to be crying???

Likeā€¦ So boomy dot is op now? Ele dot is Op? Rogue dot is OP? Hunter sting is OP?

Are you simple ?

I understand you guys are absolute trash at pvp and you come to the forums to scream at the top of your lungs to anyone that will listen.

Pro tip::: Learn to pvp first:::: complain after you understand what is actually happening in a team fight

I think most people on the forums can see it is you that has no clue about pvp.


do boomies, rogues, and hunters hit 5 people at once with a dot that initially can crit for close to like 1k damage and enable them a 5% chance per person to instant cast a spell with 100% crit chance and 50% chance to cast a second weaker version that also crits?

no??? they donā€™t? I guess thatā€™s what people are talking about. idk how much simpler to make it for your pea brain, Iā€™ve said it a million times and you still donā€™t seem to grasp because youā€™re comparing everybody elseā€™s 1 DOT PER 1 PERSON PER GLOBAL budget to being able to apply it to 5 people every 6 seconds.

1 person cleansing takes 7.5 seconds to cleanse them all, FROM ONE SHAMAN. 2 people cleansing takes upwards of 4 seconds doing nothing but pressing cleanse while weā€™re getting blasted on. add one more ele sham in the mix and then double the time it takes to cleanse.

literally the most dense person on the forums


i mean flame shock with burn hits as hard initial hit as earth shock. so yeah I can see complaining about flame shocks cleave. you can also batch chain and flame shock with ele mastery for some pretty absurd aoe burst.

however if its becoming a meta problem just swap in 2 pieces fire res and use FR aura lol.

yeah true just let horde get to use all the newly itemized gear while we swap out some pieces and lose stats to run a few greens with fire resist lmao sounds fair

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fair or not its a simple answer if ele is being stacked. beats trying to stack arcane without an aura or totem.

do you run any greens with any resists on them in place of other gear? I know youā€™re resto right? do you give up stam, int, and healing sp to run it?

no but i cant say i run into too many shamans in pvp. in bms i run comps that outrange them anyway

my pally lvling project has stalled cause shadowstrike has like 0 groups going sub 50 and i donā€™t care enough to lvl solo to 50

I mean youā€™re not running any arcane resist pieces either tho right?

also yeah soloing to 50 would suck

Iā€™m still wondering what kind of garbage players alliance has that they apparently canā€™t figure out how to focus fire a ranged dps that has to run within 20 yards to cast flame shock to set up any damage, that also has to stay within 30 yards to cast any followup.

Any non soul link warlock that even breaths on the 30 yard range marker gets globaledā€¦ let alone vs 5 players all stacked up for some reason.

Shadow OTOH puts up their dots at 36, and can nuke from 41 with mindspike.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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25 if they bothered to run a couple BMs, LB is 30 yards. run in, fs, earthbind, run back. if any melee try to chase theyā€™re going to get blasted, but as long as you have solid heals on your team youā€™re not going to die instantly just from getting in fs range. donā€™t be disingenuous.

So ele runs into 25 yards of melee and puts up flameshock, alliance range is 30yards away from melee so out of range of the eles doing this unless they want to over extend aswell. If melee want to try and global a mail / shield wearer that can freedom themselves / absorb hits they can try.

Shadow priests arent dotting 5 people up at once and getting instant cast / 100% crit mind blasts.


i dunno why people pretend shielded mail is an easy kill.

also 25y on flameshock unless youre a baddie running the 15 sp totem instead and 36y on lightning and lava

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