Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

imo wrath DK introduction could have been the best time to do it, but they’d have to have cut the whole ebon blade part of wrath out and done something else where the scourge (DKs) remained loyal to the lich king

Maybe that could be Classic+? If they went that direction for a Classic+ I would 100% come back and play it. Introducing a third faction in general would breath so much life into the game.

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paladins and shamans could unite about how broken DK is

unless it was done by the SoD dev team, then we already know who gets to be the clear winner

You could have like a Lich Lord class, Zombie class, DK, Stitched abomination type class etc. Maybe even a Vampire class as well. They really could do a ton with that entire faction being playable.

Yea I don’t think I’d trust the SoD team with something like this. I’d actually almost want like an entire new team of developers from a successful MMO game brought in.

hell yeah I can’t wait to do the quest where I hit a lazy sleeping ghoul peon over the head with a blackjack to get back to stitching an abomination

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the team had some cool quests in SoD and some cool ideas but overall it’s just gotten worse each phase, maybe if they expanded it or something? idk if I still would have faith in them to deliver

I dunno, could be they were just stretched too thin and couldn’t handle dev/balance work on both Cata Classic and SoD. If they went with something like Classic+ and did this I’d want them to guarantee have a TOTALLY dedicated Dev team on this project for the entirety of the Classic+ Expac. None of this garbage with pulling Devs away to work on other WoW projects mid Season.

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look man they’re just a small team of interns working in the broom closet under the stairs at Blizzard HQ that is now a proprietary of Microsoft, they simply can’t afford to spare the funds. there’s just not enough money!

maybe if enough people in Cataclysm buy the sparkle horse, the WoW fairy will put a good Classic+ under our pillow

It might take buying a fleet of sparkle horses lol. They need to pay those upper level Executives their 50+ million dollar golden parachutes for doing such a great job leading Activision Blizzard in the past before they get those devs out of that broom closet.

“Everything that guy just said is bullsh*t.”

-My Cousin Vinny

Ah yes, it must be true if its coming from the same guy that says ele cant win any 1v1s. The IQ is strong with this one

didn’t you say earlier that you don’t have an implicit advantage being incentivized to queue as a group because “they’re random people”?

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of course for that kind of power on the runes they will each cut you heals in 1/2, stacking of course.

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with great power comes great sacrifice.

unless you’re a shaman, of course. then you just get great power.


What does ally que time being instant have to do with horde having to premade for avoid long ques???

100% you’re not lol NOBODY thinks enhance is busted not even the horrible pvp’rs on these forums throwing tantrums.

what does logging into whitemane have to do with having a SoD alliance rogue?

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Ah yes the old enhance shaman main saying saying enhance arent busted yet every other person saying they are the strongest melee.

“Trust me im on a discord where all the pros are” The same guys that came onto the forums to say how trash you were and you cried until you got carried??

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no way man he’s an alliance rogue main actually

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I am a rogue main and i Destroy shamans both specs. Rogue is busted OP but its whatever.

Tf are you talking about?? Got carried in what? lol I have no clue what you’re actually talking about. You honestly have me confused with someone else. I run premades and arena with IRL friends…