Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

Clerics and Paladins cant be on the same account tho, one must sacrifice a paladin to create a cleric.

You said the only queue times you care about are AV you dont care about wsg / ab queue times.

I think that might be wishful thinking man, it really does seem like they dgaf.

best we can do is make sure efflorescence doesn’t show immune message on totems anymore.

nvm fixing rune quests for warriors that have been bugged for over a month


How bout we just make clerics there own faction instead?

Did you forget TBC classic? History will repeat itself. Oh and I can’t wait to read up on the alliance cries.

this weight bears a true burden on my soul

Classic tbc didnt allow same faction AV brother

Wow it seems u guys all lost the point of this thread

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Ok, I’m done responding to you… LAY OFF AV already. I know its the only thing YOU care about. But others actually like to BG and that includes ALL BGS. Holy damn this NE is insane.

It’s wild, literally EVERY SINGLE Alliance agrees queuing BGs right now is atrocious due to Horde Shamans. Even some Horde are saying Shamans are completely over the top…

Yet you see these people deluding themselves trying to tell ALLIANCE players how they should be experiencing the game. Trying to legit gas light people into invalidating their experience in SoD PvP as an Alliance.

It’s really a weird phenomenon. Like these Horde actually think their opinion on queuing BGs as Alliance is relevant or something. This should actually be used as a psychological study in the future.


I still think in a 1v1 street fist fight, clerics would win


Like I said, cope all you want. That won’t change your queue times lol.

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Does the Cleric get holy brass knuckles?

No problem. When same faction bgs come and they will. Alliance can at least look forward to fight other alliance w/o Shamans. Oh, wouldn’t it be great if they did get shamans then. LOLLLLLLLLL

Yes, clerics can use fist weapons


ok but regarding this faction idea, when DKs came out they should have made the scourge a faction and reworked BGs to have 3 factions.

classes on the scourge:
-death knights
-priests (holy/disc priests have renamed spells with different cosmetic spell animations)
-maaaaaybe mage? with the same idea as priest with the spells/animations

WoW would be a lot different today

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You’re forgetting the Direction Faction

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Yo I’ve actually been saying this for a LONG time. WoW needs a third faction. That would be hype AF. They should have done that like 3 expacs ago. It would add so much more variety.

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Highlord Onedirection

Like imagine Horde, Alliance, and like some 3rd Faction who has SOME shared classes of Horde and Alliance but they also have like some sort of Space faring class archetype…or like got some weird sci-fi type of class. Or even go like full Demonic Warhammer Chaos type faction and make Demonic specific classes.

You could potentially then queue into 2 diff factions in BGs…or have 3 separate factions fight it out in a new BG game mode.

They could even then start introducing some type of territory control sort of like New World has with 3 factions etc.