Spriest is WAY stronger than shamans

Clerics will heal the earth better than any shaman and dismember the horde

These horde arent so bright. Lets sit in a 2hr AV queue and scorch earth them! While they afk and join a new one in 15mins.

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I hope you guys dont play… people will come back. I hope its fun, cuz I might to play Project Epoch. lol

“Nothing currently beats enh” doesnt look like I missed anything

It’s not phase 2 anymore so who cares and “difficulty” has nothing to do with anything it’s rng whether you hit them or not… are you implying if you get a white hit it means you get a wf crit that also doesn’t get dodged?

very astute saying nothing beats enh atm…

So youre hoping your queues are longer?

It’s so wild…this dude is literally using some future scenario that he has absolutely no idea about…“YO JUST WAIT TILL P4 WHEN ALLIANCE WILL ROLL AV”.

That’s like me saying “Yo just wait till interest rates come down below 3% again and all of us millennials can then buy so many houses…THEN YOU ALL WILL EAT YOUR WORDS”.

Like he’s using some fake future scenario as a crutch for his non-existent arguments. It’s wild delusion.


as soon as aggrend finishes retooling paladins as clerics, all you alliance will be here defending clerics and saying how they arent op


Nope, we’re going to get same faction bgs. Outside of alliance getting Shamans there is NOTHING blizzard can do, even nerfing them to ground. Alliance are gone and they dont pvp.

Though for AV since they dont really have to PvP. They might still to that bg.

God bless you and the light of the Cleric.

Its literally low IQ thinking

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Alliance are getting cleric, its already been datamined

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Oh yes, the same faction AVs that have existed all throughout wow. Are you part of the dev team?

im on the test server right now, my name is Wfcleric


This is probably the ONLY statement that you have said up to this point that is even SOMEWHAT accurate. You’re right…it’s literally too late for Blizzard to fix SoD and PvP faction balance. The only hope you have now is same faction BGs.


We all know Alliance will queue for AV… the rewards are too good. And they dont have to PVP, so Shaman’s won’t matter so much in AV. LOL

Has all these theories about same faction AVs scorch earthing eachother. Before he even thinks about maybe they should fix the game so BGs have a healthy population.


Yes…because millions of Alliance are queueing those amazing BGs as we speak. Very good, very accurate.

Please tell us more about the future instead of actually looking at the CURRENT STATE OF PVP

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40clerics vs 40clerics would be an insane AV to watch


I’d bet money on the 40 Clerics to win.


Yeah im not saying alliance wont, but your wsg / ab queues are an hour. Last time AV queues were an hour for horde wsg and ab were about 15mins. You may have fun for the first week, but the queues will start to skyrocket.