SPOILERS What are the Zandalari

I actually missed the part where we all boarded dragons and chased down deathwing. Was it in a novel?

Yes, they cut it from the raid, it would have been a lot cooler.

But seriously before we got on the Skyfire we were at Wymrest… with all the Dragonflights… we had options

Jaina is basically a god now.

Says something about the current state of WoW writing that I initially believed you.

If you actually stop and remember whom trolls are based on(mesoamerican, african, Anglo-Caribbean cultures) you can clearly see why blizzard, US company, see then as lesser and expansion and after expansion they are put as cannon folder to be killed or ignored with no respect whatsoever.

See how trolls, the natives, are persecuted and killed as villains just because they want their damn land back, does that ring any bells? Its no wonder we will never see the tribes united.

They rly only heavily put up with Zandalar in BFA because they were riding the success of black panther as a marketing play, with all the “zandalari forever”.

But they made sure to kill off the filthy vol’jin so we had an actual elf to represent ourselves in the troll expansion.

But i don’t think they do all of it out of malice, at least not completely, that is a mindset that is heavily ingrained in the US after all.


I think the truth is Erevien is just jelly that Jaina is better looking. I mean we are compairing a female human to a female Blood Elf.

Did I input an actual move!? :laughing:

no blizzard just has a huge alliance bias.

No we don’t. Everytime Blizzard writes it like that, guess what happens:


I love the MoP cinematic.


Yeah, same. Shame monks doesn’t fight the same was as in the MoP cinematic.


Actually, I didn’t see what you really posted. I just laughed so hard my eyes watered.

My favorite part is when Sylvanas says “FOR DA HORDE” and the orc hands the stick back then she’s like “UR NOTHING” and the human is like “naw take this back.”

Whoever made that is amazing.


The trolls overall deserve better instead of being punching bags. Like the Orcs did before they started losing and were only stopped by the united alliance.

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mop cinematic was good. The only problem with pandaria was the final raid - that should be alliance vs horde , just it.

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Siege of Orgrimmar was the worst thing Blizzard ever did.

It’s funny Blood/Void/High elves are like “we’re all different from each other!” Yet lump all trolls together.

Either this is a troll post, or elves don’t how how hypocritical they’re being lol.

They are from different tribes, they probably don’t give a rat about what’s going on with another troll tribe.

the alliance harmed the Zandalari big times. Jaina is standing right there and the trolls aren’t even trying to get revenge. That is bad writing.


I can believe that. My maternal grandparents and uncles were openly racist which means they may well have hated the Japanese even before the war. Several family members perished in the Pacific theater which did not help things.

Bruh… “Kill your king” Yo not a troll, You not a Zandalri, Hell they hate elf much you hate Jaina… They Mostly use you Cannon fodder, I Just glad whole Zandlalari and Kul Tiran thing is over…

Beside He was stupid King any way

When Zul try to warn him of catalaysim what he do… Ignore Zul told him to shut up…

Yeah Zul was annoying to deal with lest before BFA lest Zul saw thing right before he gone Stupid with G’huun

And if you say any thing more… You lost all right be blood elf player, If you Care that much about Zandalari race change into them right now, You lost you blood elf card you Zandlari toe sucker.