SPOILERS What are the Zandalari

sir, you’re an elf.

The elves are their allies now. And they have every reason to hate Jaina just as much as the Zandalari do. And yes my mains are all trolls. I dropped Erevien when Kael’thas wasn’t coming back from Shadowlands.

Ya he wasn’t hes dead. Even Ysera only got to come back for a short time. No one gets to leave the Shadowlands for good it seems.

Also I would drop all my other characters if they ever made Amani playable.

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After Panda remix players (and hopefully Blizzard) should remember that Jaina is supposed to have the Thunderking’s power and the Zandalari trolls never stood a chance lol.

Also please stop trying to say a few bloodelves in Dalaran getting offed was “genocide”. Its cringe.

worgens, they lived there

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Every1 BIg Fran’s. Alans n Horde plUs Zandi sing kum bah zug zug al night.

Now we, fallen big stinky cave. Fite crab and need tall Troll spear 4 crab. Das besta, ja?

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Worgen have been attacked by the horde twice now in attacks ment to wipe them out. The first was when Sylvanas and the Forsaken/Horde attacked Gilneas and tried to use the plague to wipe them out. The second time was after the Gilnean people were displaced to the World tree and many died in the fire that killed the Night Elves as well. People tend to forget that Worgen were there as well. Blizzard even made one Worgen sitting in the middle of fire saying “This is fine…” as a meme but considering how many probally died… its really not funny.

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The bigger the death-count, the funnier that is.

Zul killed their king and the blood trolls did you even play battle for azeroth.

I give it three days until the combination of Jaina calling out Rhohin’s name in bed and Bwonsamdi being a sexpest tanks the whole thing.

So Jaina is a writers pet got it. And yes it was genocide. Traitor cow just like Baine.

The Zandalari are Trolls.

Seriously though, it wasn’t Jaina who killed Rastakhan but us Alliance adventurers, and they’re still not all that friendly to us.
Besides, if Tyrande and the Night Elves can tolerate the presence of the Forsaken, the Zandalari can tolerate the Alliance. It’s called diplomacy.

“Genocide is when you get caught doing a war crime and then die attacking the person who caught you.”

If this game wanted to cater to bloodthirsty players then they would add some kind of reward to flaunt your bloodthirsty personality. Like some kind of title or something.

YES. when did this become World of Hugcraft? i can’t stand it lol

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You didn’t even respond to my reply :frowning:

I am aware of the zone advantages of the alliance due to writers bias that’s still a weak excuse not even trying to make Jaina pay. Blizzard did all of those things you mentioned because they hate the Horde.

I mean the fact they painted it out like the Alliance holds a strong foothold conveniently nearby — or directly within the majority of the Horde’s major zones, on top of winning the 4th war – does kind of seem like Alliance bias, I’ll admit :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

:thinking: Which is why I find it’s rich when I see posts ranting at how there’s Horde bias – or that Horde have “too much power” in the story :joy: Like bro what?? Horde are shallow dog-water compared to the ocean of might the Alliance is at the moment, especially with major characters.

  • Horde having elves means jack squat in the magical might department too, since Jaina literally flexes on any and every Horde elf like it’s nothing. :rofl:
  • Death Magic? :roll_eyes: Heck the Kul’Tiran’s connection to the drust feels like they’ve got more of a connection to death than the current Forsaken do, who just mope about it now …
  • Other dark magics? :grimacing: Void was prohibited in Quel’Thalas, so Blood Elves don’t really hold the taboo magics anymore – and with the Void Elves, even if they did - will get outdone by the Alliance with ease.
  • Light magic? :joy: The Horde may have ‘The Sunwell’ – but the Alliance quite literally have LIGHTforged Draenei, and lightforged tech that was helped built by the Naaru themselves.

Heck, Shadowlands even make a mockery of all of the Horde’s faith systems too.

I could go on, but you get the picture.

Alliance triumph over Horde in every cosmic or magical category.
In terms of influence each faction have over lands? Alliance win that too, easily.

So despite both sides being significantly weakened — the Alliance clearly dominate Azeroth, far more than the Horde could ever dream of having.

Zandalari Progression

So back on the subject of the Zandalari knowing all of this, despite both sides being currently weakened as stated per above — It’d be tactically wise for them to bide their time for the Horde’s strength to at least become a fraction of what the Alliance’s is, before remotely seeking whatever justice they feel has yet to be dispensed or matched.

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I ranted before but the issue stays the same. Blizzard has no clue what to do with the Horde outside the faction conflict.