[SPOILERS: TWW] The Harronir

It would of been thousands of years ago, seemingly right after the troll wars when the high elves and humans were close.

 If they turn out to be half elves from when Dath’remar Sunstrider was king or from the precursor of Anastarian it leaves us with more questions than answers. Why was this not known to the Thalassians? Who were these elves who decided to sully themselves with humans? Especially back then elves were even more arrogant than today. Sure I can expect modern elves to be more willing to soak their oats in a human field, but what happened then? Why Bretons in WoW?

We also have to remember that these Arathi also left long before the actual kingdom was a thing, it was right after the humans got their vision of the naaru, but didn’t understand what it was.

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Yeah that makes sense for the humans, but elves are long lived. This would be something the elves would know about. Every elf in Silvermoon would of heard stories of how the Arathi met the humans and how Lothar’s line was owed a great debt. How humans and elves created a bond of friendship
 Oh dear Elune
 they just recontextualized what that old story meant
 they created an eternal bond which King Anasterian was bound to honor because the children of the elves and the humans were owed a debt to the last of the Arathi bloodline who are in fact half elves!!! GRRR this is how they will play it out
 SMH this is frustratingly logical

Maybe the high elves at the time knew and never mentioned it because insert whatever secret both groups discovered together and didn’t want that getting out to the rest of the world or something

(Just trying to add more to your idea here :dracthyr_nod: )

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 that sounds like Blizzard writing. The elves knew but didn’t tell the younger elves on why we were so committed to help the humans of the Arathi bloodline. The why is now obvious some elves found comfort amongst the humans birthing these abominations and we had to honor our bond with them
 Yet okay why are regular playable humans getting this option? I get the Arathi but the Stormwind humans and Kul Tirans? Who looked at a giant Kul Tiran drust baby and went, “Mmmm I’ll tap that keg! Me like snu snu with her!”

There is no accounting for tastes.

Maybe we’re looking at this the wrong way? Seeing as the children seem to have pointed ears as well perhaps what we’re seeing is some form of adaptation the Arathi developed living underground? It sounds like a longshot, but so does an entire kingdom of half elves. I DON’T KNOW, OKAY.


Yeah me neither, but I doubt its adaptation if playable humans now get pointy ears. Pointy elven ears
 Kul Tiran humans with elf ears
 that is wrong on so many levels that I cannot begin to describe my utter disgust
 It’s almost as bad as a Harronir. I might just torch the place before I’m done leveling there. I guess now we have a reason for Void Elves to cheer for the coming Midnight. Maybe when all the elven tribe unite
 that will mean the half elves will be among us
 Half Kul’tiran elf dancing over Silvermoon’s mailboxes
 Second thought I might torch Azeroth myself. Who needs the herald? We can light the match together. I don’t want half elves!

Not gonna lie, if half elves do become a thing lore wise, I would totally make one. :dracthyr_nod:


They’re few and far between in the story but they’re definitely already in the lore!

Vereesa & Rhonin’s sons (Galadin & Giramar) are half elves and so is Arator (Alleria & Turalyon’s son), I believe the first Guardian and the original wielder of the Mage artifact Ebonchill was also a half elf too.

Not QUITE a half elf but Kalec also takes one as a visage, so it’s cool that they’re adding the option to match the lore even if they are more uncommon in the story so far. I suspect their rarity will be changing with the Arathi though from what we’ve seen so far!


Yeah I can accept a handful of half elves in every generation maybe now that the elves are so depleted that many sought comfort in the embrace of a human? But creating an entire nation of half elves?! Allowing elf ears as an option for humans both Kul’tiran and Human models
 this is the thing of nightmares and IDC if roleplayers are giddy at the idea of playing a half elf. Somethings must never be
 At least without major explanations. Would you want to role play a
 half elf Kul’tiran?

Are you saying you don’t want to be a gigantic swarthy half elf who sells the seas? :thinking:


As a major troll fan I am very pleased with this. We need more of that Blizzard.

I suppose me being against it wont change what shall come
 Giant swarthy half elves
 I suppose I will have to accept it
 like a happy little elf on a shelf grinding his teeth at what he sees. Worse I will have to quest in this new Arathi land where half elves rule
 A country of half Thalassian/Arathi descendants.

We don’t actually know if they’re half elves or the ears/elven features are a mutation due to the giant crystal in hallowfall.

Until they say otherwise we have one cringeworthy likely scenario and that’s a Thalassian and an Arathi enjoyed each other enough to create a half-breed race of human-elf hybrids. Bad was when Alleria birthed Arator and Rhonin and Vareesa graced us with their sons
 now we have an entire kingdom full of these lovely children
 The stuff of nightmares for the elves, but I suppose, that’s just one person’s thoughts.

We now have Elder Scrolls Breton race in World of Warcraft. Then they extend the elf ear option to all playable humans
 Oh how nice is that
 Let’s disregard how and why, but it makes people happy. Now I know how people felt when they introduced mages and warlocks to the Night Elves and were against it. Same with Lightforged Warlocks
 so neat.

Most people shrugged, or didn’t care and moved on. This will be largely the same.

With only a very vocal minority actually upset by it :+1:

I will eventually get over it. Most players don’t read quests let alone understand the nuance of why this is game changing as in Midnight the reunification of the elves will result with Arathi/Thalassian being represented in the retaking of Silvermoon or battle for it. I suppose maybe your theory will be right and I can ignore it for the rest of my life. Yay mutant humans
 or half elves
 or whatever. Let’s go kill some nerubians.

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People got over playable Man’arai of all things, literal demonic destroyers of worlds—this in comparison is a tiny bump in the road.