So the Harronir tents and clothes seem to be made out of plants, specifically green vines with big red thorns and leaves, and are from an area in the deepest zone that’s all Jungle-y
And what’s curious is we have seen videos of a Genesaur down in the Ringing Deeps. And if you remember the Primals from WoD, the Evergrowth/Sporemound stuff was all green vines…with red-tipped thorns
Even more curious is there is a new Magnaron model datamined as well. But unlike the Draenor Magnaron that only have one eye and led to the creation of the Ogres…this new Azeroth Magnaron has two eyes, and two large almost troll-esque tusks…
Okay wild silly conspiracy ideas aside, it’s probably all just coincidental, but still neat to speculate
It’s been “known” since vanilla, the trolls said that the night elves descended from them and the night elves called it slander and saw it as an insult to the point that Fandral Staghelm ordered the extermination of all darkspear they could get their hands on, according to alterac valley quests.
Then in wotlk Brann Bronzebeard checked the Ulduar archives and had it confirmed that night elves are indeed descended from trolls.
It would be less a retcon, and more a recontextualization. Chronicles would not of been lying it just… would of omitted a few details. Which being fair is not hard to imagine as the bit on the Kaldorei origins and history up to Azashara is kind of a footnote.
A friend of mine pointed out that Harronir sounds very similar to “Shanronir” what the Drogbar call us in thier language. It’s plausible the Drogbar and Harronir share a common subterranean language.
No… nooo…NOOOOO! Why? The elves have finally done it they’ve blessed the humans with their seed… such abominable progeny. Especially the Kul Tiran half elf…
Yeah no… they do exist, but the question is why? I guess RP servers will be filled with shudders half elves… It’s the Void/Blood Elf short ear customization debacle all over again…
The one Arathi NPC we have so far has pointed ears, so it could also just be an Arathi specific feature that doesn’t have anything to do with elves but I guess we will see if they touch on it in any capacity. (Although, rounded Thalassian ears have also been datamined, so it seems to be more of a half-elf thing from what I can tell.)
The Arathi seem to all be half elves. Sort of. how many generations of half elf x half elf does it take before we call it a different species I wonder? As of now they do not seem to call themselves humans, rather ‘Arathi’
Smh how though? Who was the elf who did the nasty in the pasty with an Arathi and let them reproduce a Breton race in WoW? I want regular OG humans who make modern humans from Stormwind and beyond look weak compared to the Arathi tribe ones we are meeting without them being half elf… or Elune forbid half Harronir…