[SPOILERS: TWW] The Harronir

In the new TWW content that has been unveiled, a new race that we have never encountered before popped up:

Initially I thought maybe these were Dark Trolls (or a variant of) but seeing the customization options, they also have quills and bat-like features that lean more toward a subterranean “elf like” race.

It would be really cool if these were an ‘in-between’ race for Dark Trolls and Night Elves that evolved into their own subterranean species. I wonder if this is why Talanji is here?

What do you guys think?

If they are what I theorize, I’d definitely prefer to see them take on more Trollish features over elven ones like they currently have.


Besides them being a possible allied race, they have a ton of customization options, much like the vulpera did before they became playable.

I love the look of them honestly. They look sooo cool and I love the subterranean dark elf vibe they got going on :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m loving them too, I hope they have unique animations or borrow more troll-like animations over Night Elf ones, looks like their body type borrows from the Night Elf one from the look of the skeleton though so far.

I will be surprised if they don’t become an allied race, seeing as how they’re completely rigged with full customization and filed with the Earthen under playable races, so it’s HIGHLY likely. I wonder what classes they will be able to be?

The Quills are a unique too! REALLY curious to see more of them!


They also have half elves in TWW. I think there are going to be a whole slew of new customization options.

I also love the body diversity, it looks like they are adding more proportions, bigger bellies.


I saw that! Definitely wasn’t on my bingo card but I’m not mad! Seems like the Arathi NPCs that have been datamined so far have pointed ears. I wonder if there will be any story implications of them being half-elf or if it’s just a unique feature for them. I was surprised to see Kul Tiran getting pointed ears and Thalassians getting rounded ears as well!

I’m honestly all for new customizations of any kind!


I’ve been suspecting the Well of Eternity flowed through these underground zones has made these mutations. :microscope::robot:

…or Azeroth is closer to Elune origins than Titan origin. That’s a scary thought. :robot::sweat_drops:


Ohh! I love this theory!


Perhaps the Nerubians have a functioning well that interested Xal’atath? :8ball::robot:

edit: That’s more of a twist and less of a theory. :robot:


That would also explain the more humanoid Nerubians we have seen as well!


They look great.


I’m interested in the lore, I didn’t think Arathi liked the elves. There was a lot of xenophobia in early human kingdoms. Maybe that’s why this brand of Arathi left? Maybe they were mixing with dark trolls? So many opportunities.


Where’s Trollbane when you need him?

These are the interim race between Dark Trolls and Night Elves the missing link between trolls and elves! Someone get Trollbane!!! Kill it with fire! I’m sure Zandalari would agree. This abomination must be ended! For the good of the elves and the trolls. shudders in elven fashion

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I kinda like and don’t like these guys at the same time.


I’ll keep it vague but that would make an interesting reveal for Anduin. :popcorn::robot:


They certainly look like a halfway point between a Dark Troll and a Night Elf to me. I wonder if the fact Elves are a mutation of Trolls is going to be finally revealed in-universe. As far as I’m aware, the origin of Night Elves has only been revealed out-of-universe to the players via Chronicles. Will make for some interesting plot lines going forward.


It will certainly seems like bad news for the people who think Elune created the night elves.

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I don’t think anyone thinks that anymore, but it’s still entirely possible that Elune played a part in the dark trolls becoming night elves. Could’ve just been WOE radiation but she wouldn’t have any reason to call them her favored children if she didn’t have any hand in them becoming who they are. Then again, Elune is an idiot so who’s to say. Tbh I would be insulted if I was made by Elune.


Not my taste but i would prefer to have them as the new playable race rather than the earthens.
At least the Harronir are more unique.


I honestly quite like the Harronir.

Fun thought, what if the Harronir ARE what Elune created from the trolls, and then they got Ordered into the elves we know now. Kind of a primal dragon to ordered dragon situation.


Would be a slight retcon of how Chronicles explained the Dark Trolls mutating into Night Elves via the Well of Eternity. Wouldn’t be the first time they did that, though, with the whole “cHroNicLeS aRe a TitAn pErspEctIve!”

If the Harronir are a “missing link” between Dark Trolls and Night Elves, I could see it being that they were a group that, for some reason, got cut off from the Well and halted the mutation… thus giving them the sort of half-Troll, half-Elf look.